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2024-02-19 22:26:34

Mr. Zhang: Now let's check the items in the sales contract. Let's start from thename of the commodity, specifications, quantity, unit price and thetotal amount. Do you think they are OK?

Mr. Smith: Yes, very good. But I want to point out here that shipment should beeffected and completed before the end of June. We can't accept anydelay.

Mr. Zhang: Of course not. But since our price is determined on the basis ofCFR, the insurance premiumshould be born by your side.

Mr. Smith: Certainly. Please inform us immediately when shipment is effected.

Mr. Zhang: No problem. Then everything else is stated clearly in the sales contractand you can go through them on your own. Should there be aproblem, you can contact us any time tomorrow before 5 p. m.

Mr. Smith: Sounds good to me.


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