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The main discovery made in the study was that___________

A.children in large families tend to do poorly in school

B.a father's influence played a significant factor in the level of the child's academic progress

C.mothers were subjective in evaluating the roles played by fathers

D.there is a correlation between socioeconomic status and scholastic achievement

4、The data accumulated was obtained through_________

A.observation by social psychologists

B.conversations with mothers of the children

C.interviews, school records and physicians' reports

D.observations of fathers with their children

5、All of the children studied_______

A.attended the same school

B.were in the same socioeconomic class

C.were at the same age

D.knew each other

6、According to the passage, children who tended to generally progress academically were________

A.those whose mothers gave them the most affection

B.those whose fathers worked the night shift

C.those who had no brothers or sisters

D.from one-parent families

7、Evidence indicated that a high percentage of fathers were involved in the parenting process which amounted to______

A.about two-thirds of the fathers involved in the study

B.slightly less than half of the fathers studied

C.more than three-quarters Of all the fathers

D.a little less than one hundred percent of all fathers

8、The author thinks that worry___________

A.never does any good in solving problems

B.is a form of emotional distress commonly found among people

C.makes people more considerate

D.drives people more active


