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4、Statistics issued in New Jersey suggested that_________

A.many drivers were not of legal age

B.young drivers were often bad drivers

C.the legal drinking age should be raised

D.the level of drinking increased in the 1960s

5、Laws recently introduced in some states have_________

A.resulted in fewer serious accidents

B.reduced the number of convictions

C.specified the amount drivers can drink

D.prevented bars from serving drunken customers

6、The problem of drunken driving is difficult to solve because___________

A.alcohol is easily obtained

B.legislation alone is not sufficient

C.legal prohibiting has already failed

D.drinking is linked to organized crime

7、According to the author, the major problem with Germany's tax system is________

A.business investment is taxed too heavily

B.the tax rates are high but the tax base is narrow

C.revenues in the form of taxes are not reinvested

D.it encourages individuals or companies to escape taxation

8、The overall corporate tax will be reduced by__________

A.cutting back on subsidies .and tax rates

B.inducing a drop in the company's revenues

C.taxing the company's retained earnings less heavily

D.broadening the taxable base and encouraging investment

9、An inevitable result from providing relief is________

A.less individual effort

B.a decrease in revenues

C.high unemployment rate

D.less business investment

10、Which of the following is mentioned as means to make up for the reduction in corporate taxrates?

A.Lowering indirect taxe

B.Multiplying expense

C.Broadening the taxable bas

D.Providing relief to companie


