
2014-01-16 16:24:59 字体放大:  

31.The landlady asked him to move because she_________ in that chair.

A. used to sit B. was used to sitting C. used to sitting D was used to sit



32.His friends are looking forward his as soon as possible.

A. of seeing B. for seeing C. to see D. to seeing


属“动词 介词 动名词”结构,这类词有:look forward to doing pay attention to doing

give up doing apologize for doing succeed in doing dream of doing object to doing

insist on doing worry about doing provent(stop)…from doing excuse sb for doing

devote…to doing accuse sb of doing aid sb in doing agree on doing think about doing ;

33.It is imperative that you_________ there in person.

A. be B. will be C. will D. are



34.Robin's doctor suggested_________ for a few days.

A. that he is resting B. his resting C. him to rest D. that he rest



35.Frankly,I'd rather you _________anything about it for the time being.

A. do B. didn't do C. don't D. didn't


would rather (had rather)…than… 填充名词、代词或不带to的不定式;

36.His report proved_________ .

A. truly B. true C. truth D. truism


( to be ) true,省略不定式to be ;

37.Does he have difficulty English?

A. to speak B. speak C. speaking D. spoke


属“名词 介词 动名词”结构,这类词有:difficulty in doing advice on doing delay in doing

experience in doing insist in doing habit of doing possibility of doing apology for doing

success in doing sth. 等;

38.They would insist _________to another hotel.

A. to move B. moving C. on moving D. moved


39.We request the committee our suggestion again.

A. to consider B. considering C. consider D. considered

答案: (A)

有些动词后只能跟不定式,这类词有:request,afford,agree,aim,ask . desire,expect,claim,choose,decide,demand,fail,hope,manage,offer,plan,pretend,promise,refuse,request,resolve,wish 等;

40.He stopped Mira_________ to his office.

A. from having come B. to cone C. for coming D. from coming

