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1. We all know that Liu Qian is a great m            .

2. We Chinese usually have 3 m        a day,breakfast,lunch and supper.

3. --Who do you think is the best p_________? --lin  Xinru , I think.

4. People in big cities often go to the countryside ,beacause the air there is f        .

5. Relaxing on the beach makes me feel very c              .

6. My home is very c       to our school,so I often walk to school.

7.Now we look at the s        in class instead of (而不是)the blackboard.

8.The food in the the restaurant is good and the s        here is better,so  many people come here.

9.Here are 3 movie theaters ,I don't know which one to c         .

10.Now our country gives money to those p        students to help them.


1.My father is much _________ than my mother.(busy)

2.He is the ________ in our class.(outgoing)

3.Jeans Corner is a ________ (good) store. It sells _________ (good) clothes  in town .

4. Kitty has the _________ (little) milk of the three.

5. Liu Bing runs __________ of all.(fast)

6.Who do you think is               (boring), Tim or Tom?

7. He is as _________ (friend) to us as his sister.

8. Tom is ____________ (tall) of the two.

9.Which one is ________of all the problems? (easy)

10.This radio is not so ________ as that one. (cheap)

11.She is good at       (show) her talent.

12.However,not everybody enjoys         (watch) these shows.

13.The people who watch the show usually play a role in         (decide) the winner.

14. Which city is _________ (beautiful),Beijing, Shanghai or Hangzhou?

15.thanks for         (tell) me.

16.He is much better than others at          (find) the most interesting roles.

17.Dumpling House is          (cheap) restaurant in the city.

18.Some students in our school are truly        (talent).

19.It’s always interesting        (watch) people         (show) their talents.

20.He finished         (read) the novel yesterday.

三.单项选择  45分

(   )1. This bread is too small. Do you have _____?

A. a bigger piece  B. a bigger one  C. a big bread  D.a big one

(   )2.The         girl sings          .

A.beautiful,beautiful      B.beautifully,beautifully

C.beautiful,beautifully    D.beautiffully,beautiful

(   )3.—         is it from your home?  —10 minutes by bus.

A.How long         B.How far       C.What time      D.When

(   )4.China is one of         in the world.

A.larger country           B.larger countries

C.the largest countries    D.largest country

(   )5. Last week's talent show was a great _____.

A.sucess           B. success      C. succeed       D.successfully

(   )6. You are _____ now,Victor.So you should wash your clothes by yourself.

A.young  enough    B. enough old     C. old enough    D. enough young

(   )7. There's going to _____ a basketball game tomorrow.

A. have            B. be             C. is            D. has

(   )8. The weather in Harbin is colder than _____.

A. it in Beijing   B. Beijing        C. that in Beijing D.in Beijing

(   )9. Which do you think _____ the worst act?

A. is              B. are            C. be            D. to be

(   )10. My ruler is longer than _____.

A. Tom             B. Tom's          C. Toms          D. Toms'

(   )11. This classroom is _____ newer than that one.

A. quite           B. very           C. many          D. a little

(   )12. This restaurant needs _____ twenty-year-old boys as waiters.

A. more two        B. two another    C. two more      D.two much

(   )13. Who is _____ student in the school talent show?

A. a good          B. a better       C. the best      D.best

(   )14. This T-shirt is as _____ as that one.

A.much more expensive B. expensive  C.much expensive  D. Expensiver

(   )15. Shanghai is larger than _____ in China.

A.any city    B. any other city    C. all the cities  D. any cities

(  )16.What do you         this new watch?

A.think at         B.think of       C.think over      D.think hard

(  )17.We hope life can get          .

A.best and best     B.better and better  C.good and good  D.well and well

(  )18.We should study hard to make our dream          .

A.come over        B.come back           C.come true   D.come up

(  )19.All these talent shows have one thing _________ comcmon.

A. on              B. in                 C. at         D. for

(  )20.Our teacher asked us to_ _________ a story about the moon.

A. make up        B. make of            C. make in    D. make out

(  )21.Our city is becoming _________ .

A. more and most beautiful    B. more beautiful and more beautiful

C. more and more beautiful    D. beautiful and beautiful

(  )22.Which subject is_ _________ of all?

A. the most interested   B. the most interesting

C. the more interested   D. the more interesting

(  )23.The Yellow River is the second          in China.

A.long            B.longer               C.longest    D.longer and longer

(  )24.He is        better than the others.

A.much             B.more                 C.less       D.very

(  )25.Parents play a role in _________ their children.

A. teach           B. teaches             C.to teach   D.teaching

(  )26.—         is it from your home?  —10 minutes by bus.

A.How long     B.How far      C.What time     D.When

(  )27.Sun Cinema is          Center Street.    A.on     B.in      C.at     D.of

(  )28.What do you         this new watch?

A.think at     B.think of    C.think over  D.think hard

(  )29.We hope life can get          .

A.best and best     B.better and better    C.good and good   D.well and well

(  )30.We should study hard to make our dream          .

A.come over     B.come back       C.come true   D.come up

(  )31.You can get a big plate of dumplings         only five yuan at Dumpling House.

A.for     B.on      C.of     D.about

(  )32. English is my favorite subject, and I am good _________ it.

A. for   B. to   C, at   D. of

(  )33.All these talent shows have one thing _________ comcmon.

A. on    B. in    C. at    D. for

(  )34.Our teacher asked us to_ _________ a story about the moon.

A. make up   B. make of   C. make in   D. make out

(  )35.It’s fun _________ the talent show.

A. watch   B, to watch   C, watched   D. watches

(  )36.There are  _________ school things in the store.

A. a kind of   B. kind of   C. different kind of   D. all kinds of

(  )37. His dog is lost. He is_ _________ it .

A. looking for     B. finding    C. finding out    D. looking at

(  )38.The students should take the exams__________ .

A. serious   B. seriously   C. bad   D. worse

(  )39.—What a nice watch it is!  —Yes. It’s _________ one of all.

A. expensive    B. more expensive    C. the most expensive    D.much more expensive

(  )40.We decide _________ to Beijing tomorrow.

A. going    B. go    C. to go    D. goes

(  )41.They make the little boy_ _________ the room every day.

A. cleans   B. clean   C. to clean   D. cleaning

(  )42.Parents play a role in _________ their children.

A. teach    B. teaches    C. to teach    D. teaching

(  )43.Which subject is_ _________ of all?

A. the most interested   B. the most interesting   C. the more interested   D. the more interesting

(  )44.He is        better than the others.

A.much     B.more     C.less    D.very

(  )45.—        is the book?    —Only one dollar.

A.How much     B.How many     C.How often    D.How far

四.口语交际(有两项是多余的) 5分

A:  Good morning ,Bill.

B:  Hi ,Nick .

A:     1

B:  Yes ,I like playing baketball .How often do you exercise ?

A:     2

B:  Do you get up early in the morning ?

A: Yes ,I get up at 6:30 every morning .And then I play basketballfor half an hour .

B:     3

A:Igo to bed at 10:00.   4

B: I see .You look strong .Let’s play basketball together tommorow morning ,OK?

A: All right .   5     .See you .

B: See you tomorrow .

A. Do you play basketball every morning ?

B. Let’s meet at 7:00am .

C. What time do go to bed at night ?

D. I played basketball yesterday.

E. Do you often stay up late ?

F. I have a healthy lifestyle .

G. I exercise evert day .

五.完形填空  10分

It was the last lesson before   1   holidays. The students   2   very happy. Their English teacher was very happy,  3  .The teacher   4   played nice games with them. He sang some nice songs, and then he went to the blackboard and wrote “SMILES”  5  it.“This is one of the   6   words in English”,he said to the class. The   7  class laughed, and then one girl   8  and said,“Why is it one of the longest words in English?”The teacher said   9  for a while. Then he smiled and said,“Because there is a mile between the   10   letter and the last.”

(   )1. A. a    B. an           C. the     D. much

(   )2.A.is    B. are          C. was   D. were

(   )3.A.too   B. eight         C. neither  D. also

(   )4. A. a little   B. little         C. any   D. also

(   )5.A.before   B. on           C. in   D. in front of

(   )6.A.long   B. longer        C. longest  D. short

(   )7.A.whole   B. each          C. all   D. both

(   )8. A. stand up  B. sit down    C. stood up      D. lay down

(   )9. A. something  B. anything   C. nothing   D. everything

(   )10.A.one    B. first       C. two  D. second

六.阅读理解   5分

A boy named Jack lived in a small village. One morning, his mother sent him to his uncle's in town. He had a very good time there.

Before Jack left in the evening, his uncle gave him a jar and said, “There is some candy in it, you may put your hand into it and take some when you want to eat something.”

Jack looked at the jar when he was in the train. It had a long and small neck. He put his hand into the jar and took five pieces. But he could not get his hand out. He turned his hand this way and that way, still he could not get his hand out. He turned his hand again. Finally he let go of four pieces. Then he could pull his hand out of the jar.


(   )1.One day Jack's mother sent him to his mother's brother's house.

(   )2.The jar with some candy in it had a large neck.

(   )3.Jack only stayed in town for a whole day.

(   )4.At last Jack only took one piece(块) of candy at a time.

(   )5.From this lesson, Jack knew that he himself was too foolish(蠢).



All these shows have one thing                       .


That’s                    you to decide.


Talent shows are getting                                                                                        popular.


Students should             the exams            .


They                                  in deciding the winner.

八.句型转换 10分

1. Jim is taller than the other two.(改为同义句)

Jim is _________ _________ of the three.

2.I think Miller’s is the best.(改为否定句)

I                  Miller’s is the best.

3.What do you think of 970 AM?(同义句)

970AM ?

4.Which cinema is near the post office?(同义句)

Which cinema is                   the post office?

5.What’s the price of the ticket?(同义句)

is the ticket?

6.Movie World has big screens. Town Cinema has bigger screens.(合并为一句)

Town Cinema has           screens          Movie World.

7.His home is only five minutes by bus.(提问)

is his home?

8.Green World Park is the most crowded place because almost everyone goes there to see the street performers.(提问)

Green World Park the most place?

9.The tall boy wins the show.(同义句)

The                  the show is the boy.

10.Michael is older than any other student in his class.(同义句)

Michael is                           in his class.


九. 作文 5分





二.1.busier 2.more outgoing 3.good,the best 4.least 5.fastest 6.more boring 7.friendly 8.the taller 9.the easiest 10.cheap 11.showing 12.watching 13.deciding 14.the most beautiful 15.telling  16.finding  17.the cheapest  18.talented 19.to watch,show  20.reading

三.1-5BCBCB    6-10 CBCAB    11-15DCCBB  16-20 BBCBA        21-25CBCAD  26-30BABBC  31-35ACBAB   36-40DABCC



五 1-5CDADB     6-10 CACCB


七 1.in common 2.up to 3.more and more 4.take seriously 5.play(ed) a role八 1.the tallest 2.don't think 3.How do you like 4.close to 5.How much 6.bigger than7.How far 8.Why is 9.winner of 10.the odest student





