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1. big ________ _________             2. cheaply _________ __________

3. popular _________ _________        4. close ________ _________

5. friendly _________ __________       6. expensive __________ __________

7. good ________ __________          8. badly ________ _________

9. boring ________ _________          10. hot ________ _________


1. This theater has __________ seats than that one.

A. comfortable                   B. the most comfortable

C. more comfortable               D. the more comfortable

2. ---Did Kate do best in the final exam?

---No, but of all the students she did __________.

A. the most careful                B. more careful

C. the most carefully               D. more carefully

3. Lucy’s home is very _________ her school.

A. closed    B. closed to      C. close to       D. close

4. The actor plays a ________ in this film.

A. rule      B. role       C. rude         D. rush

5. The people in the village are so ________ that they can’t have enough to eat.

A. rich       B. poor       C. large        D. small

6. ---Three ________ injured(受伤的) students died in a hospital last year.

---Oh, sorry to hear that.

A. serious     B. bad     C. seriously       D. well

7. Billy has all kinds of different ideas. He is ________ to be a famous writer.

A. enough creative                 B. creative enough

C. energetic enough                D. enough energetic

8. My friends broke into a __________ laugh.

A. loudly      B. aloud         C. loud         D. more loudly

9. The bus can take __________ 40 people.

A. up         B. up to         C. to           D. of

10. Frank _________ a happy _________.

A. life; life      B. live; life      C. lives; lives      D. lives; life

11. ---Shall we ________ the after-school activities?

---Sure. Let’s _______ them.

A. join in, join in    B. join, join     C. join, join in     D. join in, join

12. --- What do they do to deal with(处理) the accident?

---The doctors and nurses __________ a medical team and started out just now.

A. worked out      B. made up      C. helped out      D. belonged to

13. ---Who has ________ marks in English, Wang Lin, Zhang Fang or Li Hong?

A. good       B. better         C. best         D. the best

14. Of the three pencil-boxes, the boy chose _______ one.

A. less expensive                  B. the most expensive

C. the less expensive               D. more expensive

15. ---Which month has ________ days in a year?


A. few       B. little       C. the least        D. the fewest


I’m a ________(记者) who always gives you ________(创新的) ideas. Today, let’s talk about how to make a home ______(剧场).

First, you can _______(选择) to buy your favourite projector(投影仪) so that we can enjoy the ______(近的) cinema to your house, which is right in your house and not _______(拥挤的) at all.

Next, buy a ________(屏幕)which fits your home best.

Then, don’t forget to buy speakers(扬声器). Because the ________(声音) is an important thing. And there are ___________(各种各样的) speakers in the market. It’s easy for you to buy one.

Finally, enjoy the most _________(舒服的) seats---your sofa; enjoy the friendliest _______(服务). You’ll have ________(愉快) ________(看) your favorite _________(表演者) _________(演出) in your favorite movies without ________(票).


1. Eliza was the best performer. (对画线部分提问)


2. He always gives his seat to the old. (改为同义句)


3. 他是最有创意的魔术师之一。(根据汉语意思补全句子)

He is one of ________ _________ __________ ____________.

4. 谁是赢家?这取决于你。

Who is the winner? That ________ _________ _______ you.

5. 许多学科学起来都很有趣。

Many subjects _________ __________ __________ learn.





