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一 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。

1 What’s the m________ of “sick”?

2 Can you tell me about your _____ ( 业余爱好)?

3 Mr Wang told us an interesting story at the ______ (开头) of the class

4 sandy really likes playing the violin. She is going to ba a ________.

5 It’s good for your health to do _____ in the early morning.

二 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。

Begin come them get week

1 Jim will call me backwhen he ______ back from Shanghai.

2 The teacher sai d that we should make resolutions at the _______

Of the year.

3 They can do it ______ .

4 Jeff said that his resolution was _______ agood job.

5 Mr Wang likes making a ______ plan for scho olwork.

三 单项选择。

1 --- What do you think of this idea ?

--- I think it’s ______ difficult _____ keep.

A too, to B so, that C enough, to D to,to

2 --- What’s the best resolution?

--- The best resolution is _____ no resolution.

A have B had C has D to have

3 The teacher told us to take up a hobby like playing basketball or _____ books.

A read B readin g C to read D will read

4 ---How can I improve my English ?

--- You’d better find more time _____ your listening.

A practice B practicing C practiced D to practice

5 I’m going to tidy my bedroom before I _____ to school.

A will go B go C went D to go




初二英语第14课家庭作业:Helping Each Other  

