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冀教版初二英语Lesson10家庭作业:Looking for Lisa




冀教版初二英语Lesson10家庭作业:Looking for Lisa

1 基础积累

1 英汉互译

1 millionns of _________ 2. pretty good _________

3 . as busy as ____________ 4 more than __________

5 代替,而不是_____________ 6 三年前______________

7 记得要做某事______________ 8 越来越暖和___________

2 据意填词

1 I know China is the country with a p_______ of more than one billion.

2 There are seven m_______ people in HongKong .

3 Tony is taller t______ me .

4 I will go to my _________ ( 家乡 ) next weekend .

5 The gate isn’t ________ ( 宽的 )enough to get the car through .

6 Shanghai is a ________ ( 繁忙 的 ) city . There are always many cars and buses on the street .

3 用所给词的适当形式填空xK b1.C om

1 Tom is as _______ ( careful ) as his sister .

2 Shanghai is _________ ( big ) than Tianjin .

3 We had a party instead of _______ ( have ) classes last Friday .

4 . Alicia is busy _______ ( do ) her homework now .

5 I’m older than he is . But he is a little ____ ( tall ) than I am .

6 . He feels _______ ( happy ) today than yesterday .

7 The river is _______ ( wide ) than that one

8 The mountain is 2 _______ ( kilometer ) high .

9 Is Shanghai _______ ( busy ) than HongKong .

10 . Lucy ______ ( look ) taller than her brother .


( ) 1.The population of Tianjin is ______ than that of Shanghai .

A larger B less C smaller D fewer

( ) 2 . _______ is the population of China ?

A How many B How much C What D How often

( ) 3 ----- ______ is Mary ? ------ She is 1.60 metres tall .

A How long B How large C How far D How tall

( ) 4 . They went there by bus _____ by bike .

A instead B instead of C but D still

( ) 5 . I don’t like this film . It is _____ the last one .

A more interesting than B not so interesting as

C as interesting as D less interesting as

( ) 6 It’s ______ hot in Chongqing in summer . If it doesn’t rain,

It will be even _____ .

A quite , hot B very , hot C much , hotter D very , hotter



冀教版初二上册Lesson9家庭作业题:I don't want to miss geography!  

2016初二年级Lesson8英语家庭作业:E-mails helps!  

