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冀教版英语上册Lesson15家庭作业:A present for Li Ming




冀教版英语上册Lesson15家庭作业:A present for Li Ming


1.两年前____________ 2.努力学习____________

3.和…一样高____________ 4. sing well____________

5. as friendly as____________


1He is as tall as I,but he’s a little ______ (heavy).

2I’m a little______ (thin) than he is.

3Nick is ______ (funny) than Tim.

4His little sister is much______ (outgoing) than him.

5Here ______ (be) photos of (he) and his twin brothers.

6English is not as (difficult) as Chinese.

7Who is ______ (smart), Tom or Dave?

8They all enjoy______(read)books.

9There are some______ (different) between them. So they look______ (different).

10The coat is ______ (beautiful) of the three.



I have ______ ______one brother.


Peter is ______ ______than Jack.


My sister is ______ ______ ______ ______than me.


Tony is ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______his brother.


______of them enjoy______ ______ ______.


1He is not as tall as his father.(改为同义句)

His father is ______ ______him.

2They both like eating dumplings. (改为同义句)

______ ______them like eating dumplings.

3Peter is in Class1.I am in Class1,too.(改为同义句)

Peter and I are ______ ______ ______class.


Jenny and Ann are sisters. They live 1 town. Jenny is 2 than Ann. She likes living in town very much. Jenny thinks living in town is 3 than living in the countryside. Because she likes the lights in town. She thinks the lights 4 night 5 more beautiful than the stars in the sky. She likes to read books, and she reads more quickly 6 Ann. She often reads until late at night.

Ann likes the countryside better. She likes to visit 7 aunt. She always helps her aunt 8 her work. Ann likes to run. She runs faster than Jenny. In the countryside, Ann can run longer. She 9 thinks running in the countryside is the most exciting thing 10 .

( )1A in B on C at D for

( )2A old B older C oldest D the old

( )3A interesting B less interesting C more interesting D most interesting

( )4A in B on C at D for

( )5A am B is C are D be

( )6A as B than C from D in

( )7A she B he C his D her

( )8A at B with C on D in

( )9A also B to C either D to

( )10A do B doing C to do D does



2017英语Lesson14家庭作业:Happy memories  

八年级上册Lesson13练习题及答案:I love autumn  

