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2016北师大版初二英语第11课家庭作业:Health Advice




2016北师大版初二英语第11课家庭作业:Health Advice

( ) 1. _____ the bananas and yogurt in the blender.

A. Put B. Put in C. Take

( ) 2. How do you ___ a kite?

A. smell B. make C. taste

( ) 3. Li Mu picks ____ corn than _____.

A. much more, Jill's B. many more, Jill C. much more , Jill

( ) 4. This piece of paper is beautiful. But it's too small. Could you give me a big _____?

A. one B. piece C. paper

( ) 5. Lucy, I'll give you ______.

A. something different B. different something C. anything different

( ) 6. There ____ three pieces of paper on the table.

A. is B. have C. are

( ) 7. There is ____ chicken in the cupboard. Go and buy some.

A. little B. a little C. few

( ) 8. _____ milk is there in the bottle?

A. How many B. How much C. How often

( ) 9. Li Mu picks ____ corn than _____.

A. much more, Jill's B. many more, Jill C. much more, Jill

二、用括号中所给 词的适当形式填空。

5. The students enjoy ________________ (have) birthday parties .

三、 句子翻译:根据中文提示,完成句子。

1. Don’t ___________(打开)the radio, the baby is slee ping.

2. Please ___________(把牛奶倒进果汁机中)。

3. If you want to make a fruit salad, please ___________(切碎)the f ruit first.

4. ___________(多少酸奶)do they need?

5. They needed ___________(两茶匙糖)just now.


JOHN: Hi! Linda. ?

Linda: I’m making a fruit san dwich.

JOHN: Wow! It’s great! ?

Linda: No,it’s easy. Look! three bananas. Next, cut up an apple, three mushrooms and some onions. Put all of these on a piece o f bread. Put somebutter,too. Then, put another piece of bread on the top.


Linda: Oh, no.




