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A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn D. Winter

( ) 32. Some people like to stay at home during their vacation . They don’t _______ .

A. read books B. surf the Internet C. watch TV D. go to work

( ) 33. Many families like to have their lunch _____ during their vacation .

A. in the office B. near a cinema C. near a big factory D. near a nice lake

( ) 34. If you have ____ , you can travel to other countries .

A. money and friends B. friends and time C. money and time D. food

( ) 35. Which of the following is “ 芝加哥 ”

A. Chicago B. New York C. Miami D. Los Angels


Last Sunday it was snowy . Maria stayed at home . Her cousin Cara came to visit her . She came back from Beijing .She told Maria something about her vacation . “It was pretty good . ”

She said . Cara visited the Palace Museum and the Great Wall . She took a lot of photos .

It was lunchtime . Maria’s parents were not at home . They decided to cook by themselves . Maria cooked some noodles with some pepperoni(意大利辣香肠), tomatoes , and pepper(胡椒). After Cara ate up the noodles , she said slowly , “ I think it is delicious ! ” But Maria thought the food was awful(糟糕的). She said , “ Cara , thank you , but I put too much pepper .”

( ) 36. How was the weather last Sunday ?

A. Sunny B. Snowy C. Cloudy D. Windy

( ) 37. Where did Cara go on vacation .

A. Sichuan B. Hunan C. Shanghai D. Beijing

( ) 38. _______ cooked noodles .

A. Cara B. Maria’s mother C. Cara’s mother D. Maria

( ) 39. There were Some _____ in the noodles .

A. pepper ,mushrooms and tomatoes B. pepper and pepperoni

C. pepper , pepperoni and tomatoes D. pepper and tomatoes

( ) 40. Was the food awful ?

A. Yes , it was B. No , it wasn’t C. We don’t know D. It was great

V. 单词拼写 。( 10分 )

41. It’s raining outside . Take an u______________ , please .

42. I w_____________ why you like playing this game so much .

43. I’m h_____________ . Could I have some noodles ?

44. Parents don’t like their children to eat too much j________ food .

45. A lot of vegetables can keep you h______________ .

VI. 书面表达 。( 20分 )

今年暑假你去哪里度假了? 请以My last Summer Vacation 为题写一篇短文,不少于60 词。内容要丰富,条理清楚,语言流畅,语法正确 。

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