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8A Unit 4学案 (Checkout)



S: We can see horses.

S: We can see crocodiles.

T: Do they like living in the zoo?

S: No.

T: They don’t like living in the zoo. In fact, they like living…

S: In the wild.

T: What do the animals in the wild eat? Where are their living areas? Work in groups, try to finish the table.

S: 学生讨论并回答

S: Wolves eat animals, insects and snails. They live in the wild.

S: Lions eat smaller animals. They live on grassland.

S: Monkeys eat fruit and vegetables. They live in the forests.

S: Camels eat grass and leaves. They live in the desert.

S: Giant pandas eat bamboo shoots and leaves. They live in the reserve.

(设计意图: 训练学生通过自己的探究进行规律的总结的能力并且适时进行过程性评价。同时通过当堂练习与反馈,对学生进行解题方法及技巧的指导。)

