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C.On May 15th,2004.                  D.On October 15th,2003.

45.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The moon goes round the Earth,and it can't give out any light at all.

B.The moon goes round the Sun,and its light is from the Sun.

C.The Earth moves  round the moon,and people can live only on Earth.

D.Of all the planets,only the Earth moves round the Sun.



The moon landing

It's always been man's dream to fly like a bird in the sky.Back in 1865,a French writer once wrote about man's landing on the moon on a special airplane with three people inside,and the first person to touch the ground on the moon would be American.That was considered (被认为) to be a crazy (疯狂的) idea at that time.Over one hundred years later,on July 20,1969,however,this impossible dream did come true.

It was a big day in the history of the 20th century.On that day,a special airplane took three brave (勇敢的) men from Cape Kennedy at a speed of 35,533 feet per second.The trip to the moon took 103 hours and 30 minutes.In fact,it was the first time that man ever”walked”in outer space.On the trip,two of the spacemen spent two hours on the moon walking like flying,and the other stayed in the spaceship.They studied the appearance of the moon.Four days later,the spaceship Apollo 11,returned to the earth and the astronauts were welcomed by people around the country.The man who took the first step,Neil Armstrong,said,“That's_a_small_step_ for_a_man,_

one_giant_leap_for_mankind.”This has been said again and again in every language around the world since then.


46.When did an American touch the ground on the moon first?


47.How many people took the spaceship to the moon?


48.How long did the trip to the moon take?


49.Who is the man that landed on the moon first?


50.Please translate the sentence “That's a small step for a man,one giant leap for mankind”into Chinese.



