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V. 任务型阅读(5小题,每小题2分,共10分)

Children in America like Halloween(万圣节)very much .In the evening on the 31st of October, they put on special clothes. Sometimes they dress like witches and ghosts. Sometimes they dress like kings and queens. They go to their neighbor’s house and knock at the door. The neighbor opens the door. The children say, “Tick or treat?”The neighbor gives them chocolate or some fruit. Sometimes people don’t give the children any food. Then the children play a trick on them. They put soap(肥皂)on their windows. Children like this special day. They like their bags of sweets.

46.The date of Halloween is on ____________

47. Children go to their neighbor’s house and knock at the door.The neighbor opens the door.they say:_____________

48.Children can get sweets and fruit on Halloween from_________________

49.Many children dress like _________________ on this special day

50.If people don’t give the children any food, they ____________

VI. 补全对话(5小题,每小题2分,共10分)

从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余

A. Yes I’d love to.

B. What will you do tomorrow?

C. Yes I like it .

D. What should  I do ?

E. What’s the matter with you?

F. How much is it?

G.When can I come to your home?

A:Bob,would you like to play tennis with me on Sunday morning?

B: 51. _____________________, but I’m really busy this weekend.

A:52. __________________________________?

B: I’m worried about  my MP4,it doesn’t work

A: Oh, sorry to hear that 53________________________?

B: It’s 1000 yuan.

A: That’s too expensive ,you shouldn’t fix it by yourself.

B:54. ___________________________________?

A: you can take it to my home ,my father can help you,he is the professor(专家)

B: Good idea!55. ____________________________________ ?

A: you can come to my home after 6:00 tomorrow.

B: Thank you very much.

VII. 书面表达(15分)

根据下面提示,以“A Happy Sunday”为题,写一篇日记。


2. 乘公交车,在邮局下车,然后步行到达。

3. 在购物中心买了许多东西,妈妈给我买了运动鞋,穿上很合适。

4. 可适当发挥。




1—5 DBACD     6—10  BCACC

11—15 ACADC     16—20 CACDB


21—25 BBABA


26—30 BCC不AD


31、Be late for   32、the way to   33、a lot of

34、gone to      35、cost  me


36、needs  37、when  38、sad  39、away  40、ways   41、different  42、happy  43、care  44、never  45、health


46、on the 31st of October     47、tick or treat     48、their  neighbor     49、 witches and ghosts /  kings and queens    50、play a trick on them. They put soap(肥皂)on their windows.

51-55   AEFDG






