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二、完形填空:(10分   每小题1分)

There is 36   old woman in America. She 37  children at all. But she likes 38    . She has black cats and white cats. She has 39     cats and baby cats. So the children like to come to 40   house. They play with the cats. More and more cats come to the old woman’s house. Soon there are 41    cats. The old woman can’t feed them 42     .Then she has a good 43    . “The children love my cats. ”she thinks. So she 44     each child a cat. Then she is happy. And the children are happy. 45     the cats are happy, too. Each of them has a home.

(    )36.A./           B.the           C.an

(    )37.A.doesn’t like  B.not likes       C.don’t like

(    )38.A.cat’s        B.cat           C.cats

(    )39.A.mother     B.mother’s      C.mothers

(    )40.A.my         B.their         C.her

(    )41A.very much   B.too many     C.too much

(    )42.A.good       B.at all       C.so much

(    )43.A.help       B.idea       C.ways

(    )44.A.giving      B.to give     C.gives

(    )45.A.So        B.And       C.Too

三、阅读理解:(20分  每小题2分)


Mr. Gao lives in a town. When he was twenty-five, his son was born. He calls him Gao Ling. The little boy is clever. He and his wife love him very much. It’s September 1st today. A new school year begins. Gao Ling is happy and wears his most beautiful clothes. He’s going to school with his new bag.” Let me take you to school, dear,” said Mrs. Gao . “Thank you, Mummy,” said the boy. “The school is not far from here. I can go there myself.”

At school a teacher met the little boy and asked, “What’s your name, my little friend?” “Gao Ling, sir,” answered the boy. “How old are you?” “Six, sir.” “What’s your father’s name?” “Gao Daling, sir.” “How old is he?” “He is six, too, sir.” “Oh,” the teacher said in surprise. “Is he as old as you?”

“Yes, sir,” said the boy. “He became a father only on the day when I was born.”

(    )46. Mr. Gao is _____now.

A. six         B. twenty-five     C. thirty one

(    )47. Mr. and Mrs. Gao love their son because_____.

A. the boy is clever               B. he likes to go to school

C. he can go to school himself

(    )48. Gao Ling didn’t let his mother take him to school because_____.

A. she was too busy

B. his friends could took him

C. the school is near and he could take care of himself

(    )49. Gao Ling went to school_____.

A. by car       B. on foot           C. by bike

(    )50. Gao Ling thought_____.

A. his father and he were born on the same day

B. his father forgot to tell him about his age

C. Gao Daling became a father only for six years


