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第二部分   英语知识运用  (共三节,满分 30分)

第一节 词语释义( 共5小题:每小题一分,满分5分)

从所给的A 、B、C、D四个选项中选出与句中划线部分意义最接近的解释,并将所选答案涂到答题卡(填到答题卷)的相应位置上。

21. My new mobile phone is di fferent from Jennifer’s.

A. not the same as   B. all the same as

C. worse than   D. difficult to

22. Jack will arrive in Kunming tomorrow, and we are going to meet him at the airport.

A. drive to    B. get to    C. come in    D. return to

23.There are  more  than  300  girl  students  in  our school.

A.more       B.than

C. over       D.less  than

24.  I  had  fun  last  weekend.

A. have  fun        B.have  a  good  time

C. had a good time   D.enjoy  myself

25.  It’s good for us to do some reading every day.

A. go  shopping    B. go for a walk    C. read books     D. do sports

第二节   单项填空(共15小题:每小题 1分,满分15分)


26.  Jack, did you meet _________during your last vacation to Malaysia?

A. someone interesting   B. anyone interesting   C. interesting someone   D. interesting anyone

27. About two hours ago, they _________Beijing.

A. arrive in    B. get    C. reach   D. got to

28.  ______ do you write to your pen friend?     ——Once a week.

A. How long    B. How soon    C. How far    D. How often

29. _______many students like watching sports shows, __________game shows are the most popular.

A. Although, but     B. Although,/     C. But, although     D. But, /

30. Jenny listens in class _________than Mary.

A. careful    B. carefully    C. more careful    D. more carefully

31.  Reading aloud is the best way  _______  English.

A. to learn      B. learning     C. to learn   D. learns

32. We can sit _________at Town Cinema in town. Let’s go there.

A. comfortable   B. most comfortable   C. comfortably   D. most comfortably

33. Mary and Lisa _________ watching sitcoms.

A. both like   B. both are like   C. are both like    D. like both

34.  The two pens are the same _________price but different _________color.

A. at, in    B. in, at    C. as, from    D. from, as

35.My friend Lei is so funny that he often makes me _________.

A. laugh    B. to laugh    C. laughing    D. laughed

36. Some of us watch TV three ____ four _____a week.

A. and, time    B. but, time    C. or, time    D. or, times

37. Last night, I did nothing but _________an action movie.

A. watch    B. watched    C. watching    D. to watch

38.  I usually walk to school, but I ______ come by bus.

A. some times   B. often    C. sometimes   D. maybe

39. My parents usually ____ books after dinner.

A. watch     B. watches     C. read     D. see

40 Eating vegetables is ______ your health.

A. good for               B. good at        C. good with     D. good to


