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A.better              B.good         C. the best

(  )28.Where did you go ______ vacation ?

A.at                 B.on                C.in

(  )29.I didn't go shopping ______ the bad weather.

A.because            B. because of         C.so

(  )30. ______ she is very tired , ______ she still works hard.

A.But;              B. Although;but       C. Although;

(  )31.Alice is as ______ as her mother.

A.beautiful           B.more beautiful      C. much beautiful

(  )32.My daughter and son are _ _____ teachers.

A.all                 B. both             C.every

(  )33.—— ______ do you think of talk shows ?

—— I don't mind them .

A.What               B. How             C.Where

(  )34.Thanks for______ us so well .

A.teaches              B.teaching           C. teached

(  )35.Which would you like ______ ,oranges or apples ?

A.good                B.better             C. best

2. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

What do you do on weekends? Some people like to stay   36   home. But others like to go for a walk   37   play football. My friend Mike works hard in a factory on   38  . On weekends he always  39  different things. On Saturday he   40   his car and on  41   he goes with his family to a village by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It’s not a  42  one, but there’s always   43   to do on the farm. The children help with the animals and give them their   44  . Mike and his wife help in the field. At the end of the d ay, they are all   45   and want to have a big dinner very much.

(   )36. A. in       B. at             C. on

(   )37. A. and       B. or    C. so

(   )38. A. days   B. time       C. weekdays

(   )39. A. does   B. makes       C. borrows

(   )40. A. watches      B. sells       C. washes

(   )41. A. Monday      B. Sunday   C. Saturday

(   )42. A. small   B. big    C. hard

(   )43. A. much   B. little       C. few

(   )44. A. clothes      B. places       C. food


