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Ⅱ. 单项选择(10分)

1. —What do you want to be in the future?

—I want to be ______ pilot. It is ______ exciting job.

A. a; a     B. a; an     C. a; the     D. the; an

2. China’s population is ______than that of any other country in the world.

A. smaller        B. fewer

C. larger        D. more

3.—We have sixty students in our class. ______ of them are boys. How many girls are there, do you know?

—There are twenty girls.

A. One third     B. Two thirds

C. One quarter     D. A half

4. The ______of traffic made me awake all night.

A. shout   B. noise   C. sound   D. voice

5. We need ______people to finish the job.

A. hundreds of     B. hundred of

C. 3 hundreds     D. 3 hundred of

6.Mike went to the library ______ some books yesterday.

A. borrow   B. to borrow   C. borrows    D. borrowed

7. — ______the population of Tianjin?

— ______14 million.

A. How many are; They’re

B. Which is; It’s

C. How much is; It’s

D. What is; It’s

8. —Would you like to play basketball with us, Mary?

—Sorry. I’m afraid not. I need to ______ for the coming English exam.

A. look   B. prepare    C. ask    D. wait

9. Most children have ______homework to do.

A. too much     B. too many

C. much too     D. many too

10. —Could you carry that heavy box for me? — ______ . I’m strong enough.

A. Not at all     B. No problem

C. Good idea     D. Never mind


