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1. I like to watch __________ (情景喜剧). What about you?

2. There is a lot of ________ (新闻) on the Internet.

3. I think this documentary is __________ (有教育意义的).

4. We had a ___________ (讨论) about traffic yesterday.

5. I hope I will travel ___________ (世界各地) one day.

6. My mother expects _________ (get) thinner.

7. He likes telling ___________ (玩笑) with his friends.

8. He ________ (plan) to do some housework last night but watched TV at last.


1. ---What do you think of the TV sitcom Home with Kids?

---It’s very __________. Many children like watching it.

A. boring        B. funny       C. surprising      D. terrible

2. ---I like the dress, but I’m ________ I haven’t got enough money.

---Don’t worry. I don’t mind _________ you some if you like.

A. afraid; lending                B. glad; lending

C. afraid; to lend                 D. glad; to lending

3. ---Could you tell me ___________?

---By searching the Internet.

A. how you got the information     B. why you got the information

C. how did you get the information   D. why did you get the information

4. I began watching here an hour ago, but nothing ________ yet.

A. happen       B. take place       C. happened      D. takes place

5. ---Where’s David?

---He _________ be in the playground because he is fond of playing basketball.

A. will           B. may           C. can’t          D. mustn’t

6. I can’t stand _________ TV for a long time.

A. to watch        B. watch         C. watching         D. watched

7. He hopes ________ an actor in the future.

A. to is           B. is             C. to be            D. him to be

8. Please _________ when the bus will arrive.

A. look for        B. find for        C. find out          D. look out

9. I want to learn _________ the piano.

A. play           B. to play         C. plays           D. played


1. Please show me your photos. (同义句转换)

Please show __________ ___________ __________ ___________.

2. What do you think of talk shows? (同义句转换)

__________ __________ __________ ___________ talk shows?

3. Maybe he is a teacher. (同义句转换)

He _________ __________ a teacher.

4. We have a discussion with some exchange students(交换生). (同义句转换)

We _________ __________ some exchange students.

5. Kate likes comedies, because she thinks they are interesting. (对划线部分提问)

________ _________ __________ like comedies?


在众多的电视节目中,你最喜欢哪一种?请简要谈谈你的观点,以“My favourite TV program”为题,写一篇60词左右的短文。






