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一 基本词组

1 对;组 _________

2 国外的 _________

3 新年决心 _______

4 组建足球队______

5 取得好成绩______

6 吃更健康的食物 ___________

7 进行大量的 锻炼 ___________

8 上吉他课 ______________

9 另一门外语_____________

10 听起来像 _____________

二 单项选择

(  )1 Jim is going to join _______ China’s Got Talent.

A next year           B next year’s

C next years’        D next year’

(  ) 2 Next year they ______ high school.

A finish  B finished  C to finish  D are going to finish

(  ) 3 --- What’s your New Year’s _____ ?

--- I am going to study harder.

A job    B subject   C resolution  D exercise

( )4 Lang Ping is going to _____ another women’s volleyball team

A get   B make  C makes  D gets

(  ) 5 --- His idea ____ very interesting .

--- You’re right.It ____ a good plan.

A sounds,sounds      B sounds like, sounds

C sounds,sounds like D sounds like,sounds like

三 完成句子

1 外语不适合我。

_____ language _____ ______ me.

2 它听起来像一个好计划。

It ____ ____ a good _____ .

3 每天他进行大量的锻炼,所以他很健康。

Every day he gets _____ ______ ,so he is very healthy .

4 ---你打算怎么做?


---How are you going to ____ ___?

---I’m going to do more writing.

Lucy: What are you going to  do?

Kim: Well, I’m going to 2 m______ the soccer team.

Tom: How are you going to do 3 t______?

Kim: I’m going to practice really 4 h________, and I’m going to go to a summer camp. I’m going to play soccer every day there.

Tom: 5 H_____ about you ,Lucy? Did you make a resolution?

Lucy: Oh, sure, I’m going to 6 l_____ to play the piano.

Kim: Cool. How are you going to do that ?

Lucy: I’m going to 7 t_____ piano lessons.

Kim: How about you, Tom?

Tom: My New Year’s reso lution is to get good 8 g_____ .

Kim: How are you going to do that?

Tom:I’m going to study hard and 9 d_______ my homework every day.

Lucy: That 10 s______ good!






