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Almost __16___child in cities has the chance to go to school ,but not all children in the countryside ___17__so lucky .There is a boy called Xiao Hua . He is eight __18___old and lives in a small village in Sichuan  .when he was young , he wanted ___19___to school .But he could not . Because his family was ___20__poor to pay the schoolfees(学费) for him. _21___his parents wanted to  him at home .Insted of studying , Xiao Hua worked in the fields with his parents every day . Then Project Hope heard about XiaoHua . It agreed to help him to go to school . His wish of studying came ture , and now he is studying in a school.

Unluckily there are still thousands of children who cannot go to ____22__.You can join in Project Hope and help these children .You know all the good ___23__needs money .This project needs your help.

If you give Project Hope ¥300 each year ,it can ___24__for one  child to go to school for a whole year. ___25__more money , Project Hope can build new schools ,buy good desks ,chairs .blackboards and books .Let’s help the children together and give them a chance to have good start in life .

(   )11.A. all      B. both         C. every       D. no

(   )12.A. is       B. are          C. am          D. feels

(   )13.A. days     B. weeks        C. months      D. years

(   )14.A. go       B. goes         C. to go       D. going

(   )15.A. to       B. too          C. so          D. very

(   )16.A. /        B. so           C. But         D. And

(   )17.A. park     B. school       C. factory     D. post office

(   )18.A.things    B. works         C. work        D. jobs

(   )19.A.pay       B. cost          C. take        D. spend

(   )20.A.In       B. With           C. On         D. Under


