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And I made it! All 2,817 miles I got to the coast on March 14,after 70 days and five hours at sea. So the secret of my success is the moment with those dolphins.

(   )31.Which part was most difficult for those people who tried sailing alone?

A. The first day.       B. The last day.

C. The first two weeks.      D. The middle of the trip.

(   )32 The underlined word “dolphin” in the fourth paragraph means “a kind of ” _______.

A. friendly animal       B. dangerous fish

C. special plant       D. beautiful bird

(   )33 What is the best title of the passage?

A. Woman, As Good As Man on the Sea  B. An Inter esting Task on the Sea

C. Protecting Wild Animals     D. Dolphins, the Secret of My Success


1.Which  animals are in  _________(危险)?                  1_________

2.We  should ________(保护) the  animals.                     2.__________

3.My  mother ________(允许)me to watch TV on  Sunday.        3.__________

4.We need to do more ____(研究)to know more  about  the  nature.4.__________

5.Yuan Longping is a  great______(科学家) in  China.             5._________



Last year, I bought a flower pot(盆). But I didn’t use it. Last week, I went to buy some flower seeds(种子). I planted the seeds in the flower pot. For a few days, nothing  1  (happen). But I went on  2  (water) the seeds. On the   3  (ten) day, I saw green sprouts (嫩芽). I was so 4  (exciting). I knew that I could make something grow!

5  (Grow) flowers is like growing happiness. Our lives are sometimes like the empty pots. Our days are  6  (fill) with lots of different things. However, we usually don’t do a lot of things just because they are of little  7  (important). We feel that something is missing.The missing things in my flower pot were seeds. The things that we may be missing in life are seeds of hope, love and dreams.

I planted many different flower seeds that day, because I know that the things produced are exactly what I have planted. This is the same as  8 (plant) things in life. Everything that is planted  inside my heart will grow. If I plant negative (消极的) thoughts inside my heart, I will only become sadder and  9 (sad) with each passing day. If I plant seeds of hope, I can expect 10 (wonder) things.

1. __________ 2. __________  3. _________  4. __________  5. ____________

6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________ 9. ____________ 10. _____________


