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Ⅱ. 单项选择(10分)

1. There were many apples ______ the tree. A monkey was picking them ______ it.

A. on; on    B. in; in    C. on; in    D. in; on

2. I was cleaning my bedroom. ______ a mouse came out. 【 】

A. Suddenly     B. Actually

C. Luckily      D. Badly

3. I was doing my homework ______ my mother was cooking in the kitchen.

A. after      B. while

C. if       D. until

4. I often hear the girl ______ beautifully next door. When I passed by the door, I heard her ______ just now. 【 】

A. sing; singing    B. sings; sing

C. sing; sings     D. singing; sing

5.Is there ______ in today’s newspaper?

A. anything interesting   B. interesting anything

C. something interesting   D. interesting something

6. It’s very friendly ______ him ______ me when I am in trouble.

A. of; help       B. for; to help

C. of; to help      D. for; helping

7.When I walked past the park, I saw some old people ______ Chinese Taiji.

A. do   B. did    C. doing   D. are doing

8. — ______ did you go there for?

—To have a meeting.

A. Why   B. What   C. Where   D. When

9.—Don’t forget to write to me as soon as you ______ Brazil.

—No problem.

A. arrive   B. reach to    C. get in   D. arrive in

10. —Tony, don’t draw on the wall. It isn’t a good behavior.

— ______ .

A. Never mind     B. Yes, I’d love to

C. Of course not    D. Sorry, I won’t


