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16. It’s not polite_______ too loudly in class.

A. to talk    B. talking    C. talks    D. talked

17. The weather in Shanghai is different from ____ .

A. it in Beijing   B. that in Beijing  C. that of Beijing  D. it of Beijing

18. —   ____  is the weather like there in summer?

—There’s  ____  rain.

A. How; a lot of  B. What; a lot of  C. How; a lot   D. What; a lot

19.The____ in Beijing is -6 ℃ today.

A. weather    B. temperature   C. climate   D. degree

20. Please choose carefully the places   ____   during the holiday.

A. to visit    B. visiting   C. visits    D. visited

21. The fish tastes really   ____   ,but the Beijing duck tastes  ____.

A. badly; well        B. nice; well

C. bad; good        D. delicious; nicely

22. —Where is Lucy?

—I’m not sure. She   ____      in the classroom.

A. maybe    B. may be   C. probably   D. might

23. —The boy can speak both English and Japanese   ____      he is only ten.

—Wow, what a clever boy!

A. if           B. though       C. because   D. unless

24. I can’t play the piano, and   ____     .

A. neither can my sister                     B. my sister can’t, too

C. so can’t my sister                         D. can my sister, either

25. There is no place   ____     cars in this area.

A. parking    B. to park    C. to parking   D. park


