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二、 选择 2*14

(  )1. Are you sure it will be ____________ tomorrow?

A. rain         B. rains          C. rainy          D. rained

(  )2.  __________ bad weather it is!

A. What        B. How           C. What a       D. How a

(  )3. We won’t visit Yancheng Nature Reserve if it _____________ tomorrow.

A. is raining     B. will rain        C. rains         D. rained

(  )4. Look! All the babies are sleeping now. Please speak in low ___________.

A. sounds       B. noise           C. voice         D voices

(  )5. _________ do you feel on a cold winter morning?

A. What         B. How           C. Which        D. Why

(  )6. __________perfect time to share happiness with friends!

A. What         B. What a          C. How         D. How a

(  )7. There’re seldom birds in winter, ___________?

A. aren’t there     B. aren’t they      C. are they       D. are there

(  )8. The weather report says there will be __________ in Nanjing.

A. a heavy rain                           B. heavy rainy

C. rainy heavily                          D. rain heavily

(  )9. The price of the cares ____________ a bit last month.

A. fell           B. low             C. dropped       D. fell down

(  )10. The sentence structure of “She always gives her seat on the bus to someone in need.” is_________

A. S+V+P                                B. S+V+O

C. S+V+IO+DO                           D. S+V+DO+OC

(  )11. Millie’s dog builds camps ___________ her out of sticks.

A. for             B. to             C. in            D. at

(  )12. In the north-east, the temperature will stay _______zero in the daytime in spring.

A. up              B. down          C. below        D. above

(  )13. If you __________ late for work, you may lose your job.

A. arrive            B. reach          C. get to        D. arrive in

(  )14. The radio says the temperature will become much ________ tomorrow morning.

A. cold             B. colder          C. low         D. lower


