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第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




Jack London is a famous writer,his most well-known book is called The Call of the Wild. Jack London was born on January 12th,1876,in the United States.His family was poor and he had to leave school to make money . He worked hard in many different jobs.Later Jack returned to school,but he didn’t stay. He wrote Life and pocket books were too short.

In 1897,he went to Alaska to find gold.Instead he found ideas there for his books and stories,he returned home and started to write,and he became rich and famous in his twenties.

Jack London was not a happy man,and he took his own life in 1916.

(   ) 1. Jack London was a famous ______ writer.

A. American  B. English   C. London  D. Alaska

(   )2. In Alaska,Jack London ________ .

A  didn’t get much money but get something important for his writing.

B  wrote his famous and became rich.

C  became well—known but then died

D  found a lot of gold and became rich

(   ) 3. He became rich and famous in the year around_______.

A  1905  B  1921  C 1879  D  1898

(   ) 4. In 1916,Jack London______.

A  started a new life  B  was ill and then died.

C. began to write a new story  D killed himself



Snakes and Jewels

Tokyo: Three snakes,whose poison could kill a person in ten minutes,are guarding a blue star sapphire(蓝宝石) worth nearly six hundred thousand dollars at a Japanese exhibition of jewels sent from an Indan museum.

Usually it would be forbidden(禁止) to let these poisonous snakes guard exhibition objects,but it’s different this time because the jewels are being exhibited at a hotel, a policeman said.

Exhibition official said that a person bitten by one of these snakes would need at least 80 ml of an anti—poison medicine to be saved. Medicine was being kept ready at a nearly hospital.

Star sapphire and other valuable jewels worth a total of one million dollars are on show behind glass.Hundreds of visitors came to see the special blue star sapphire and were surprised when they said the sixty centimeters(厘米) long brown guards.

(   ) 5. Using snakes at exhibition of valuable objects is ________.

A  quite normal   B  usually forbbiden   C often necessary D never allowed

(   ) 6. The jewels were being shown in________.

A  an Indian hotel    B.  an Indian museum

C  a Japanese museum D a Japanese hotel

(    ) 7.Why were the snakes and jewels at the same exhibition?

A  They were both special things from Indai

B  The organizers wanted to do something unusual.

C  The snakes were there to keep the jewels safe.

D  People like to visit an exhibition guarded by snakes.

(   ) 8 Many visitors came to the exibition because______.

A   the snakes were on show

B   they were interested in seeing a famous jewels.

C   so many jewels were being exhibited

D   exhibition officiajs said it was special



William Shakespeare wrote about 37 plays and a large number of poems in his life.

The play Hamlet is considered to be the summit of Shakespeare’s. It was written in 1601—1602 and first published in 1603.

The action of the play is laid in medieval(中世纪) Denmark(丹麦). The king suddenly died. Gertrude,Queen of Denmark , written two months marries the new king, Claudius, brother of her husband.

The son of the late king, Hamlet, returns from the university, where he received his education.Heavy is the heart of the young man. The country is in a state of unrest. There is said to be war. He thinks of his father, who tells his son he has been murdered by his brother Claudius Hamlet hates the murderer very much and he decides to kill Claudius.

The stuggle between Hamlet and Claudius is increasing.Claudius pays close attention to Hamlet..Hamlet pretends to have gone mad.

To expose Claudius, Hamlet thinks of a plan: a group of actors are engaged to perform a play , which recalls(使想到) his father’s murder. When Claudius appears deeply affected by the performance and leaves the hall before the play is ended  Hamlet knows he is right. To get rid of Hamlet, Cludius sends off Hamlet to England with his two men, who used to be Hamlet’s friends and now are ordered to spy on him and kill him.

While at sea, Hamlet discovers a letter, in which Claudius orders the two men to kill him.Hamlet manages to escape from the ship and returns to his homeland, Denmark.

In the end, Claudius is killed by Hamlet. His mother is poisoned and dies. If you want to know whether Hamlet is alive or not, please read the play or see the film.

(   ) 11 As soon as Hamlet returned home , he thought his father _____

A died of disease     B was killed himself

C was killed by the battle field   D was murdered by his uncle.

(   ) 12. What was the end of Hamlet’s mother, Gertrude?

A We can’t learn about it from the passage.

B. She was free

C She commited suicide.

D She was poisoned and died.


Today there are about 7,000,000 Canadians in colleges and universities. In Canada nearly half of the population are young persons under 25. Many of them will soon be in charge of the country. So their ideas are important to everyone in the country and it is necessary for elder people to understan what the young think and feel.

College students today have strong opinion about right and wrong. They are interested in making a better life. They see much that is wrong in the lives of their parents. It is hard for them to see what is right and good in the older ways. Because of this, there is often trouble in Canadian families.

(   ) 13. After we read the passage, we can know that in Canada_______

A. there is no trouble in families at all.

B. there is something different between older people’s and young people’s opinions.

C. young people are satisfied with the lives of their parents.

D. older people and young people can understand well each other.

(   ) 14 How many Canadians are there in colleges and universiyies?

A  About seven million.  B  All people.

C  Young persons under 25 D  Nearly half of the Canadian population

(   ) 15 Why are young persons’ ideas important? Because_______

A  they are young.

B  they are college students

C  many of them will be in charge of the country

D  they have strong opinions about right and wrong.



Taking good notes is a timesaving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways. 16._____. Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, notetaking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.

You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report. 17______.Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note—taking is a selective process.18________

The following methods may work best for you.

 Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.

 Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.

 Write your notes in your own words.

 19.__________.

 Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.

As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time. 20______.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


I have always lived in Canada, and travelled from Hamilton to Ottawa for work months ago.Arriving at the airport  21 , I had to stay in the  22  hall to spend my time. Without much else to do,I decided to go to the  23  store(商店). As I walked around the store, I 24    two American women having a  25  on a bench(长凳) to help them  26  their wait.

I  27  the store for a few moments, and went to buy a medium—sized(中型的) toy which looked like a cartoon  28  .I asked the owner of the shop for a note and a  29  and wrote ,”When you get up, I hope this gift will make you smile. Have a good trip!

I walked  30  towards the two women and  31  the toy and the note next to them. Not wanting to wake them, I tried my best to make no  32  , but in my attempt to flee(迅速离开) the scene, one of them woke up and caught me in the act. At first she looked  33  .Maybe she thought I was a  34   ! But when she looked at the soft toy and the note, she  35   up, as if she became a happy girl. “Is this for me?” she asked. I gave her a  36  smile and nodded.

She was  37   about the thing ! We talked more like old friends instead of  38  . I shook hands with her, and then said good—bye to her.I walked away with nothing but  39  . I came to realize that we should care for each other and love each other although we were from  40  places.

21 A. late     B. early.   C. hurriedly.  D. soon

22.A. dining.  B. waiting  C. exhibition  D . lecture

23.A. flower   B gift.     C. drug.       D. book

24.A. kept.    B.noticed.  C. made.       D. heard

25.A. nap.     B.talk.     C .rest.       D. cigarette

26.A.calm.     B.weaken.   C ease.        D. sharpen.

27.A. ran into B.went through.C. set about D. looked around.

28.A. character.B. author.  C. salesman.  D. driver.

29.A. card.    B. pen.      C. box.       D. packet.

30 A.fast.     B. quietly.  C. slowly.    D. hurriedly

31.A.hid.      B.placed.    C. repaired.  D. showed.

32.A.noise.    B,mistake.   C.experiment. D. progress

33.A scared.   B. happy.    C. sure.      D. moved

34 A.passenger.B. student.  C. thief.     D. passer—by

35.A.gave.     B. tirned.   C.brightened. D hurried

36.A.bitter.   B. grateful. C plastic.    D friendly

37.A.excited.  B. worried.  C. sad.       D. anxious.

38.A.strangers B. teachers. C.workers.    D. officers.

39.A.attention.B permission C. enjoyment. D. suggestion

40.A. same.    B.different. C.clean.      D. beautiful.

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


M: I’m so relieved(感到宽慰的). I just finished the story I was working on for our creative writing course.

W: I haven’t finished  41 _. I had trouble  42  (get) past beginning.

M: How come?

W: I was really happy to be writing a detective(侦探) story. But after the first few pages, I just  43 write any more

M: The same thing  44  _(happen) to me. You can talk to Mrs Wilson about it.

W: Actually, I went to ask for more time to finish the writing. But instead she gave me some good advice.She said the first thing I should do is just write anything that comes into my mind even if it doesn’t make any  45  _.

M: That’s interesting. When I got  46  (stick), I stopped to do  47   else, you know, do some for one of my other courses(课程).

W: Her methods seem to have worked for me. I have written most of the story, and I should be able to hand it  48  on time,but I still need to go to the jewelry store.

M: You are going shopping?

W:I’m going there for my story. My detective story involves(牵涉,包含)  49  jewelry store robbery(抢劫),so I want to go there in order to take a look at  50  the cases are arranged, where the security cameras are placed.

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10 小题;每小题1 分,满分10 分)


增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号( ∧ ),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。

修改:在错的词下滑一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

At present we are living in a good age. Therefore, there still a small number of people who don’t act responsibly. His bad behaviors are out of place in our civilizing society. For an example, some people often risk their lives to disobey(违反) traffic rules.Littering(乱扔垃圾) is still a seriously problem. Some people are often seen to spit in public places. Bad still,it is common to find silly things written by some tourists in scenic spots.

To my opinion, everyone should learn to become a responsible citizen. We must aware that everything we did in public places will affect others and we should break our bad habits. As long as we obey the rule in every field and are filled with care and love, our world will become better.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)  .


1. 你母亲是个农村妇女,50多岁,没上过学,但懂得年轻人掌握知识的重要性,她很关心你的学习情况;

2. 你的母亲为了让你有更多的学习时间,总是竭尽全力来照顾你。一次,当你听说母亲得了重病,回家看她时,她正带病坚持为你做新衣,你感动得热泪盈眶;






