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复习对于学生进步是很关键的,接下来看看精品学习网为大家推荐的针对初三年级中考英语重难点整理,会不会对 大家起到帮助呢?

(一)宾语从句  1. The teacher told the children that the sun____ round.  A. was B. is C. were D. are  2. I believe that our team____ the basketball match.  A. win B. won C. will win D. wins  3. I don’t know____ to visit the old man.  A. whether B. if C. that D. who  4. I hear Mr. Green ____for New York last week.  A. have left B. leaves C. leave D. left  5. I think the boy____ already his homework.  A. does; do B. did; do    C. is; doing   D. has; done  6. Mr. Green asked____ to school late.  A. who did often come    B. who does often come  C. who often comes    D. who often came  7. The boys said they____ themselves very much last night.  A. enjoyed B. are enjoying    C. enjoy D. enjoys  8. Please tell me____ .  A. where Lucy lives    B. where does Lucy live  C. where did Lucy live    D. where Lucy does live  9. ——Does she like to have tea or coffee?  ——It is unknown____ she would like to have.  A. how B. as C. that D. which  10.The teacher told the children____ .  A. that Beijing was the capital of China  B. Beijing is the capital of China  C. Beijing the capital of China is  D. the capital of China was Beijing  (二)状语从句  1. That suit was____ expensive that he couldn’t buy it.  A. too B. so C. very D. such  2. The teacher told us we____ to the Forbidden City if it .  A. would go; doesn’t rain  B. will go; doesn’t rain  C. would go; didn’t rain  D. will go; won’t rain  3. I’ll tell him about this as soon as he____ back from work.  A. comes B. to come  C. will come D. would come  4. We’ll stay at home if it____ tomorrow.  A. rain B. rains  C. is raining D. will rain  5. Sorry,you speak____ quickly I can’t follow you.  A. too; to B. as; to  C. so; that D. very; that  6. All of us feel surprised that____ a little boy can eat____ much food.  A. such; so B. so; so  C. such; such D. so; such  7. Although you are a top student in your class,____ you still should work hard at your lessons.  A. and B. or C. but D. /  8. You must wait for her____ she comes back.  A. that B. till C. when D. as  9. Because he didn’t catch the early bus,____ he was late for class.  A. so B. and C. that D. /  10. ____everyone is here,let’s have the meeting.  A. Since B. As C. Because D. So






