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My hometown and country教案




教 学 目 标 1. 掌握unit 4 词汇

2. 能熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家教等)的看法

3. 能使用目标语言制定并讨论校园内一些公共场所的规则,掌握句型:

Don’t eat in class

-Can we wear a hat in class?

-No,we can’t.

We always have to wear the school uniform.

4. 给父母写一封建议信。

重点、难点、考点 1. 掌握unit 4 词汇

2. 能熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家教等)的看法

3. 能使用目标语言制定并讨论校园内一些公共场所的规则,掌握句型:

Don’t eat in class

-Can we wear a hat in class?

-No,we can’t.

We always have to wear the school uniform.

4. 给父母写一封建议信。




1. work (名词) 7. Photo (同义词)

2. mother (对应词) 8. television (缩写形式)

3. late (反义词) 9. jobs (单数)

4. long (反义词) 10. brother (所有格形式)

5. good (最高级)

6. black (反义词)

II. 英汉互译

1. 踢足球 2. 体育

3. 喜欢科学 4. 课后

5. 做早操 6. 在星期三

7. be sure 8. for two hours

9. be strict with sb. 10. art teacher

三. 课文解析

Section A

1. Don’t arrive late for class. 不要上课迟到。


Don’t do that again. 不要再做那样的事情了。

Don’t tell our teachers our secrets. 不要告诉我们老师我们的。


① 句型:动词原形…...(省略主语)。例如:

Look at these holes ! 看这些洞。

② 有时,为了加强语气,可以在动词之前加do。例如:

Do be quiet. 务必安静。

③ 用客气的语气表示祈使句时,可在句首或句尾加上please,但如果在句尾加please,那么在please之前一定要加上一个逗号“,”。如:Keep quiet, please. 请保持安静。

④ 祈使句中如果有唤语,一定要用逗号“,”将唤语与其他的内容隔开,唤语置于句首或句尾。如:

Come here,Li Ming. 到这儿来,李明。


① 祈使句=you must …..(陈述句)。如:

Be quiet. = You must be quiet. 安静。

② Please + 祈使句.= Will you please ……? 例如:

Please read after me. = Will you please read after me ? 请跟我读。



① Let 表示“建议”,后面跟第一人称代词作宾语。如:

Let me try again. 让我再试一试。

② Let 表示“间接命令或愿望”,后面接第三人称代词作宾语。如:

Let him work out the problem by himself.


1. play computer games again.

A. Not B. Don’t C. Doesn’t D. Aren’t

2. get off the bus before it stops.

A. Don’t B. Doesn’t C. Didn’t

2. arrive late for = be late for (做某事) 迟到

如: I was late for school yesterday morning. 昨天上午我上学迟到了。

Don’t arrive late for the meeting. 开会别迟到了。

3. Don’t listen to music in class. 不要再课堂上听音乐。

in class 固定短语, 意为“在上课,上课时”。

如: Don’t talk in class. Listen to the teacher. 不要讲话,注意听讲。

【class 的相关短语】

Attend class 听课 after class 课后 the first class 一流,头等 have classes 上课

【辨析listen 与 hear】

(1) listen 表示“积极地倾听”,而hear 则是“自然地听到”之意。如:

Listen to the teacher carefully. 请认真听老师的讲解。

Can you hear someone singing in the next room ? 你能听到有人在隔壁房间里唱歌吗?

(2) listen 可用于祈使句,但表示“听到”的hear 却不可以。

Don’t listen to the radio in the meeting. 不要再会上听收音机。

(3) listen 强调动作、过程,可用于进行时,但hear 表示“听到”的结果,不可用于进行时。如:

Be quiet, please! I’m listening to the music. 请安静,我在听音乐。

4. What do you have to do ? 你们必须做什么?

have to 与其他情态动词一样后接动词原形,表示客观上的需要,强调被迫性,有“不得不”的含义。 have to 可用于多种时态,形式随时态变化而变化,还可以用在其他情态动词之后。如:

We have to work hard. 我们得努力工作。

I think he may have to help his dad in the garden. 我想他可能不得不在花园里帮他爸爸。

【辨析 have to 与 must】

(1) 表达意见上的差异: must 表示说话人的主观意图和要求,相当于汉语中的“必须”;

have / has to 表示由于外部环境、情况、习惯等的客观需要,相当于汉语中的“不得不”。

如: You must do your homework now. 现在你必须做你的功课。

He has to study late into the night to pass the exam. 为了通过考试,他不得不学习到深夜。

(2)在否定句和疑问句中,have to 需借助于助动词do 相关形式,而must 则直接用mustn’t 或将must 提到句首。如:

Your mother doesn’t have to do that now. 你妈妈现在不必做那件事情了。

You mustn’t play football in the street after class. 放学后,你们一定不要在街上踢足球。

(3)must 不能与其他助动词will,shall 等连用,因此这种情形下要用have to。 Must 没有过去式,因此用于过去时应用had to (表示过去必须做,并且做到了)。如:

Shall we have to meet at the gate of the school? 我们必须在校门口相见吗?

He had to get up early to catch the early bus. 他不得不起早床,去赶早班车。


1. –Whose notebook is this?

-It Jim’s. It has his name on it.

A. can’t be B. must be C. can be

【解析】考查情态动词表示猜测的用法。Can’t be 意为“不可能是”;must be 意为“一定是”;can be 表示猜测,一般用于否定句或疑问句中,不用于肯定句中。答案:B

拓展:由must 构成的疑问句,对其进行否定回答时,用yes,……must. 而否定回答用No, …..needn’t.

2. –Mum, must I wash the dishes right now?

- No, you .

A. shouldn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t


1. Is there food in the fridge? I’m hungry.

A. some B. any C. something D. anything

2. The light in the room wasn’t for me to read.

A. enough bright B. brightly enough C. enough brightly D. bright enough

语音 形容词的比较级形式的发音

词汇 hometown, than, east, south, kilometer, high, million, busy, coast, hill, island, population, answer, question, north, west, river, church, famous, capital, lake, low, mountain, about, near, village, region, wide, fact

词组 be famous for, bigger and bigger, on the River Thames

语法 形容词的比较级。

功能 地点及地理特征的比较

话题 以“家乡”为话题。

2) 语言技能: 听 能听懂有关祖国,方位,位置的语言表达; 能听懂用所学的形容词比较级所做的口头表述,询问及其回应的听力材料。

说 能运用本模块所学主要语言的表达形式对祖国,方位与位置等进行口头说明和询问;运用所学的形容词比较级进行口头陈述,询问;就以上询问做出口头回应;能口头提供有关个人生活的信息。流利的说出含有本模块生词、短语。

读 能读懂有关祖国,方位,位置的语言学习材料;理解阅读材料中所学的形容词比较级所表达的语义。进行简单的阅读技能训练

写 1. 参照范例,能用所学语言简单介绍自己熟知的城市。

演示与表达 能向同学们介绍两个地方或两条河流,并对其进行比较。

3)学习策略 学习一定程度形成自主学习,有效交际、信息处理、英语思维能力。

认知 联系,归纳,推测等技能。观察并归纳形容词的比较级的变化规则,提高自学能力。

调控 从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作文中的错误进行修改

交际 学习运用恰当词语简单描述自己的家乡。

资源 通过其他资源获取更多有关“家乡”的简单英语。

自学策略 培养在词语与相应事物之间建立联想的习惯,形成话题联想的习惯。 能简要了解并介绍自己的家乡。

合作学习策略 互相学习,取长补短,注意学习策略共享。

4)文化意识: 中外对比 了解美国和英国的主要城市与河流,鼓励学生了解世界,加强交流。

5)情感态度: 通过学习描述家乡和了解美国和英国的主要城市与河流,提高对英语的学习兴趣,培养对家乡的热爱和对世界的兴趣。参加各种英语活动,克服困难,在新环境中进一步树立准确的语言学习观。 6)任务:能够制作招贴画,对中国的2个城市或2条河流进行比较。 教学重点和难点 重点:1.掌握描述家乡的基本词汇,读懂含有形容词的比较级的句子,掌握形容词的比较级的结构和用法。 难点: 掌握形容词的比较级的结构和用法。 教学方法 基于课程改革的理念及“第二语言习得论”,培养实现人的可持续发展和人的主体精神的自我完善和发展所必需的能力和素质,运用任务型教学途径,围绕核心任务,设定小任务,开展和谐愉悦的课堂活动,强调兴趣第一的原则,初步设计“P—T—P”自主学习立体模式:pre-task…task-cycle…post-task。 二、 教材处理 核心任务:能够运用所学句型结构描述家乡。三个环节如下: pre-task:学生联系生活实际,激活背景知识,。 task –cycle:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化对“家乡。”的表达能力,为完成任务做好铺垫 post-task:达成任务,展示成果,反馈学习情况 三、 教材安排 根据学生学习英语的特点和规律,我们把本模块划分为4课时: Period 1: Vocabulary and Listening & Pronunciation and Speaking Period 2 Vocabulary and Reading Period 3. Language in use Period 4. Writing& Around the world &Module Task 注:教学时应根据学生的学习水平、生活实际水平、接受程度及课堂出现的临时状况进行运用、调整及筛选。 『教学设计』 Title: Module 5 My hometown and country

Period 1: Vocabulary and Listening and Speaking

Teaching Content: Vocabulary and Listening Pronunciation and Speaking

Teaching Aims and Demands: 1. Language Knowledge Key vocabulary and phrases: hometown, than, east, south, kilometer, high, million, busy, coast, hill, island, population, answer, question Key structure: Hong Kong is smaller than Shanghai. Is Shanghai newer than Hong Kong? No, it isn’t. It’s older.(重点) 2, Listening skill: To understand conversations involving the comparison of 2 cities. (难点) 3. Speaking skill: To talk about 2 different cities or rivers. Improve the students’ speaking ability. 4. Affection and attitudes: We should love our hometown and country. Learning strategies: Bottom –up approach and listening to the tape and do some exercises. Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout) Teaching Procedures: Part I: Lead in: Step 1: Introduce our hometown to the students to present the topic Step 2: Using the map of China to present the new words 1), Teach the four compass points (east, south, west, north) 2).Talk about different parts of China and describe the locations of Shanghai and Hong Kong Step 3: Introduce the two cities Step 4: Extend the knowledge about the two cities for Listening Discuss what else they know about the two cities. Part II: Listening Step 1: Play the recording and have them match the words and phrases in Activity 1. Have them check their answers with a partner Step 2: Play the recording again and fill in the blanks Step 3: Play another recording again and have them answer the question:

Is Shanghai a newer city than Hong Kong? Step 4:.Read and have them check their answers with a partner

Listen to the underlined word. Step5: Listen again and read.

Step6: Read this dialogue, find out which sentences involving the comparison of two cities.

Part III Summy:. 1.Give the conclusion of the comparatives and practise

2.Explain the Key phrases and practise Part IV Practice 1.Talk about the two cities

2.Work in pairs and think of two cities you know in China. Ask and answer questions. Using big, small, hot, cold, old or new Part V: Homework

Period 2 Vocabulary and Reading Teaching Content: Vocabulary and Reading Teaching Aims and Demands: 1. Language knowledge: New words: north, west, river, church, famous, capital, lake, low, mountain, about, near, village, region Key structures: be famous for in the south of bigger and busier than…on the River Thames(重点) 2. Reading skill: To get information about Cambridge, London and Britain. 3. Affection and attitudes: We should love our hometown and country. Learning strategies: Communicative approach. Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout) Teaching Procedures: Part I: Revision and Preparation 1. Help students to revise the four compass points 2. Show them a map of Britain to describe the country to know some knowledge of Britain 3. Practise talking about the cities in Britain 4. Extend the position of telling the direction 5. Talk about the cites in China and present the usage of” in on to” Part II: Presentation

1 Match the words with the pictures 2.Present the famous places in England and learn the words

3. Choose a title for each photo 4.Introduce Cambridge and London

5.Talk about the west and north of London and the island Part III: Listening 1.Listen and fill in the form 2. Read the passage and answer the questions:

3 Retell the text PartIV: Language use 1. Compare the other two cities

2.Answer questions and write notes about a town in China Part V: Homework:

Period 3. Language in use Teaching Content: Language in use Key structures: A be + adj.-er than B (重点) Teaching Aims and Demands: 1. To summarize and consolidate grammar focus. 2. To summarize and consolidate expressions and vocabulary. Affection and attitudes: We should love our hometown and country. Learning strategies: Formal instruction and task-based approach and interactive practice. Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (video, OHP, handout) Teaching Procedures: Part I Revision 1.Ues the pictures to revise the degree of comparatives 2.Revise Comparative Forms of adjectives 3.Focus the Ss’s attention on the 4 different ways in which they are formed: 4.Extend the knowledge of Comparatives Part II Language practice 1: To summarize and consolidate the usage of the structure: A be + adj.-er than B (1). Practice the structure: A be + adj.-er than B (2). Ask the Ss.to make other similar examples (3).Talk and compare in the real situation Part III: Revise the text what we learned in this module: 1.Say something about Cambridge

2.read the poem by Xu Zhimo

1. Say something about London

2. Revise the numbers

3. Consolidate the passage we have learned Part IV: Practice Say something about the cities in China

Part V: Homework:

Talk about your hometown in Jiaxing and compare two cities

Period 4: Writing & Around the world &Module Task Teaching Content: Writing & Around the world &Module Task Teaching Aims and Demands: 1. Writing skill: Write sentences about the comparison of 2 cities. Improve the students’ writing ability (难点). 2. To summarise and consolidate-comparing places and comparative adjectives. (重点) 3.Affection and attitudes: We should love our hometown and country. Learning strategies Top-down and Interactive approach and do some exercises. Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder , video, OHP, handout) Teaching Procedures: Part I: Revision

1.Where are these cities in China?

2.Compare the cities and rivers using what we have learned

3.Introduce the two bridges and use the adjectives to compare

4.Ask and answer questions about the places 5.Work in pairs ask and answer the questions about the places 6.Complete the sentences Part II: Writing 1. Write about the answers to the questions in activity 3 on page 29 individually and check their answers with a friend. 2. Using the map to show the answer and talk about them 3. Talk about the two cites in USA Part III. Around the world 1. Learn something about important cities in the world. 2. Read the text and answer the questions we mention Part IV: Module Task Making a poster comparing 2 cities or rivers in China.

教 学 目 标 1. 掌握unit 4 词汇

2. 能熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家教等)的看法

3. 能使用目标语言制定并讨论校园内一些公共场所的规则,掌握句型:

Don’t eat in class

-Can we wear a hat in class?

-No,we can’t.

We always have to wear the school uniform.

4. 给父母写一封建议信。

重点、难点、考点 1. 掌握unit 4 词汇

2. 能熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家教等)的看法

3. 能使用目标语言制定并讨论校园内一些公共场所的规则,掌握句型:

Don’t eat in class

-Can we wear a hat in class?

-No,we can’t.

We always have to wear the school uniform.

4. 给父母写一封建议信。




1. work (名词) 7. Photo (同义词)

2. mother (对应词) 8. television (缩写形式)

3. late (反义词) 9. jobs (单数)

4. long (反义词) 10. brother (所有格形式)

5. good (最高级)

6. black (反义词)

II. 英汉互译

1. 踢足球 2. 体育

3. 喜欢科学 4. 课后

5. 做早操 6. 在星期三

7. be sure 8. for two hours

9. be strict with sb. 10. art teacher

三. 课文解析

Section A

1. Don’t arrive late for class. 不要上课迟到。


Don’t do that again. 不要再做那样的事情了。

Don’t tell our teachers our secrets. 不要告诉我们老师我们的。


① 句型:动词原形…...(省略主语)。例如:

Look at these holes ! 看这些洞。

② 有时,为了加强语气,可以在动词之前加do。例如:

Do be quiet. 务必安静。

③ 用客气的语气表示祈使句时,可在句首或句尾加上please,但如果在句尾加please,那么在please之前一定要加上一个逗号“,”。如:Keep quiet, please. 请保持安静。

④ 祈使句中如果有唤语,一定要用逗号“,”将唤语与其他的内容隔开,唤语置于句首或句尾。如:

Come here,Li Ming. 到这儿来,李明。


① 祈使句=you must …..(陈述句)。如:

Be quiet. = You must be quiet. 安静。

② Please + 祈使句.= Will you please ……? 例如:

Please read after me. = Will you please read after me ? 请跟我读。



① Let 表示“建议”,后面跟第一人称代词作宾语。如:

Let me try again. 让我再试一试。

② Let 表示“间接命令或愿望”,后面接第三人称代词作宾语。如:

Let him work out the problem by himself.


1. play computer games again.

A. Not B. Don’t C. Doesn’t D. Aren’t

2. get off the bus before it stops.

A. Don’t B. Doesn’t C. Didn’t

2. arrive late for = be late for (做某事) 迟到

如: I was late for school yesterday morning. 昨天上午我上学迟到了。

Don’t arrive late for the meeting. 开会别迟到了。

3. Don’t listen to music in class. 不要再课堂上听音乐。

in class 固定短语, 意为“在上课,上课时”。

如: Don’t talk in class. Listen to the teacher. 不要讲话,注意听讲。

【class 的相关短语】

Attend class 听课 after class 课后 the first class 一流,头等 have classes 上课

【辨析listen 与 hear】

(1) listen 表示“积极地倾听”,而hear 则是“自然地听到”之意。如:

Listen to the teacher carefully. 请认真听老师的讲解。

Can you hear someone singing in the next room ? 你能听到有人在隔壁房间里唱歌吗?

(2) listen 可用于祈使句,但表示“听到”的hear 却不可以。

Don’t listen to the radio in the meeting. 不要再会上听收音机。

(3) listen 强调动作、过程,可用于进行时,但hear 表示“听到”的结果,不可用于进行时。如:

Be quiet, please! I’m listening to the music. 请安静,我在听音乐。

4. What do you have to do ? 你们必须做什么?

have to 与其他情态动词一样后接动词原形,表示客观上的需要,强调被迫性,有“不得不”的含义。 have to 可用于多种时态,形式随时态变化而变化,还可以用在其他情态动词之后。如:

We have to work hard. 我们得努力工作。

I think he may have to help his dad in the garden. 我想他可能不得不在花园里帮他爸爸。

【辨析 have to 与 must】

(1) 表达意见上的差异: must 表示说话人的主观意图和要求,相当于汉语中的“必须”;

have / has to 表示由于外部环境、情况、习惯等的客观需要,相当于汉语中的“不得不”。

如: You must do your homework now. 现在你必须做你的功课。

He has to study late into the night to pass the exam. 为了通过考试,他不得不学习到深夜。

(2)在否定句和疑问句中,have to 需借助于助动词do 相关形式,而must 则直接用mustn’t 或将must 提到句首。如:

Your mother doesn’t have to do that now. 你妈妈现在不必做那件事情了。

You mustn’t play football in the street after class. 放学后,你们一定不要在街上踢足球。

(3)must 不能与其他助动词will,shall 等连用,因此这种情形下要用have to。 Must 没有过去式,因此用于过去时应用had to (表示过去必须做,并且做到了)。如:

Shall we have to meet at the gate of the school? 我们必须在校门口相见吗?

He had to get up early to catch the early bus. 他不得不起早床,去赶早班车。


1. –Whose notebook is this?

-It Jim’s. It has his name on it.

A. can’t be B. must be C. can be

【解析】考查情态动词表示猜测的用法。Can’t be 意为“不可能是”;must be 意为“一定是”;can be 表示猜测,一般用于否定句或疑问句中,不用于肯定句中。答案:B

拓展:由must 构成的疑问句,对其进行否定回答时,用yes,……must. 而否定回答用No, …..needn’t.

2. –Mum, must I wash the dishes right now?

- No, you .

A. shouldn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t


1. Is there food in the fridge? I’m hungry.

A. some B. any C. something D. anything

2. The light in the room wasn’t for me to read.

A. enough bright B. brightly enough C. enough brightly D. bright enough

教 学 目 标 1. 掌握unit 4 词汇

2. 能熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家教等)的看法

3. 能使用目标语言制定并讨论校园内一些公共场所的规则,掌握句型:

Don’t eat in class

-Can we wear a hat in class?

-No,we can’t.

We always have to wear the school uniform.

4. 给父母写一封建议信。

重点、难点、考点 1. 掌握unit 4 词汇

2. 能熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家教等)的看法

3. 能使用目标语言制定并讨论校园内一些公共场所的规则,掌握句型:

Don’t eat in class

-Can we wear a hat in class?

-No,we can’t.

We always have to wear the school uniform.

4. 给父母写一封建议信。




1. work (名词) 7. Photo (同义词)

2. mother (对应词) 8. television (缩写形式)

3. late (反义词) 9. jobs (单数)

4. long (反义词) 10. brother (所有格形式)

5. good (最高级)

6. black (反义词)

II. 英汉互译

1. 踢足球 2. 体育

3. 喜欢科学 4. 课后

5. 做早操 6. 在星期三

7. be sure 8. for two hours

9. be strict with sb. 10. art teacher

三. 课文解析

Section A

1. Don’t arrive late for class. 不要上课迟到。


Don’t do that again. 不要再做那样的事情了。

Don’t tell our teachers our secrets. 不要告诉我们老师我们的。


① 句型:动词原形…...(省略主语)。例如:

Look at these holes ! 看这些洞。

② 有时,为了加强语气,可以在动词之前加do。例如:

Do be quiet. 务必安静。

③ 用客气的语气表示祈使句时,可在句首或句尾加上please,但如果在句尾加please,那么在please之前一定要加上一个逗号“,”。如:Keep quiet, please. 请保持安静。

④ 祈使句中如果有唤语,一定要用逗号“,”将唤语与其他的内容隔开,唤语置于句首或句尾。如:

Come here,Li Ming. 到这儿来,李明。


① 祈使句=you must …..(陈述句)。如:

Be quiet. = You must be quiet. 安静。

② Please + 祈使句.= Will you please ……? 例如:

Please read after me. = Will you please read after me ? 请跟我读。



① Let 表示“建议”,后面跟第一人称代词作宾语。如:

Let me try again. 让我再试一试。

② Let 表示“间接命令或愿望”,后面接第三人称代词作宾语。如:

Let him work out the problem by himself.


1. play computer games again.

A. Not B. Don’t C. Doesn’t D. Aren’t

2. get off the bus before it stops.

A. Don’t B. Doesn’t C. Didn’t

2. arrive late for = be late for (做某事) 迟到

如: I was late for school yesterday morning. 昨天上午我上学迟到了。

Don’t arrive late for the meeting. 开会别迟到了。

3. Don’t listen to music in class. 不要再课堂上听音乐。

in class 固定短语, 意为“在上课,上课时”。

如: Don’t talk in class. Listen to the teacher. 不要讲话,注意听讲。

【class 的相关短语】

Attend class 听课 after class 课后 the first class 一流,头等 have classes 上课

【辨析listen 与 hear】

(1) listen 表示“积极地倾听”,而hear 则是“自然地听到”之意。如:

Listen to the teacher carefully. 请认真听老师的讲解。

Can you hear someone singing in the next room ? 你能听到有人在隔壁房间里唱歌吗?

(2) listen 可用于祈使句,但表示“听到”的hear 却不可以。

Don’t listen to the radio in the meeting. 不要再会上听收音机。

(3) listen 强调动作、过程,可用于进行时,但hear 表示“听到”的结果,不可用于进行时。如:

Be quiet, please! I’m listening to the music. 请安静,我在听音乐。

4. What do you have to do ? 你们必须做什么?

have to 与其他情态动词一样后接动词原形,表示客观上的需要,强调被迫性,有“不得不”的含义。 have to 可用于多种时态,形式随时态变化而变化,还可以用在其他情态动词之后。如:

We have to work hard. 我们得努力工作。

I think he may have to help his dad in the garden. 我想他可能不得不在花园里帮他爸爸。

【辨析 have to 与 must】

(1) 表达意见上的差异: must 表示说话人的主观意图和要求,相当于汉语中的“必须”;

have / has to 表示由于外部环境、情况、习惯等的客观需要,相当于汉语中的“不得不”。

如: You must do your homework now. 现在你必须做你的功课。

He has to study late into the night to pass the exam. 为了通过考试,他不得不学习到深夜。

(2)在否定句和疑问句中,have to 需借助于助动词do 相关形式,而must 则直接用mustn’t 或将must 提到句首。如:

Your mother doesn’t have to do that now. 你妈妈现在不必做那件事情了。

You mustn’t play football in the street after class. 放学后,你们一定不要在街上踢足球。

(3)must 不能与其他助动词will,shall 等连用,因此这种情形下要用have to。 Must 没有过去式,因此用于过去时应用had to (表示过去必须做,并且做到了)。如:

Shall we have to meet at the gate of the school? 我们必须在校门口相见吗?

He had to get up early to catch the early bus. 他不得不起早床,去赶早班车。


1. –Whose notebook is this?

-It Jim’s. It has his name on it.

A. can’t be B. must be C. can be

【解析】考查情态动词表示猜测的用法。Can’t be 意为“不可能是”;must be 意为“一定是”;can be 表示猜测,一般用于否定句或疑问句中,不用于肯定句中。答案:B

拓展:由must 构成的疑问句,对其进行否定回答时,用yes,……must. 而否定回答用No, …..needn’t.

2. –Mum, must I wash the dishes right now?

- No, you .

A. shouldn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t


1. Is there food in the fridge? I’m hungry.

A. some B. any C. something D. anything

2. The light in the room wasn’t for me to read.

A. enough bright B. brightly enough C. enough brightly D. bright enough

教 学 目 标 1. 掌握unit 4 词汇

2. 能熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家教等)的看法

3. 能使用目标语言制定并讨论校园内一些公共场所的规则,掌握句型:

Don’t eat in class

-Can we wear a hat in class?

-No,we can’t.

We always have to wear the school uniform.

4. 给父母写一封建议信。

重点、难点、考点 1. 掌握unit 4 词汇

2. 能熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家教等)的看法

3. 能使用目标语言制定并讨论校园内一些公共场所的规则,掌握句型:

Don’t eat in class

-Can we wear a hat in class?

-No,we can’t.

We always have to wear the school uniform.

4. 给父母写一封建议信。




1. work (名词) 7. Photo (同义词)

2. mother (对应词) 8. television (缩写形式)

3. late (反义词) 9. jobs (单数)

4. long (反义词) 10. brother (所有格形式)

5. good (最高级)

6. black (反义词)

II. 英汉互译

1. 踢足球 2. 体育

3. 喜欢科学 4. 课后

5. 做早操 6. 在星期三

7. be sure 8. for two hours

9. be strict with sb. 10. art teacher

三. 课文解析

Section A

1. Don’t arrive late for class. 不要上课迟到。


Don’t do that again. 不要再做那样的事情了。

Don’t tell our teachers our secrets. 不要告诉我们老师我们的。


① 句型:动词原形…...(省略主语)。例如:

Look at these holes ! 看这些洞。

② 有时,为了加强语气,可以在动词之前加do。例如:

Do be quiet. 务必安静。

③ 用客气的语气表示祈使句时,可在句首或句尾加上please,但如果在句尾加please,那么在please之前一定要加上一个逗号“,”。如:Keep quiet, please. 请保持安静。

④ 祈使句中如果有唤语,一定要用逗号“,”将唤语与其他的内容隔开,唤语置于句首或句尾。如:

Come here,Li Ming. 到这儿来,李明。


① 祈使句=you must …..(陈述句)。如:

Be quiet. = You must be quiet. 安静。

② Please + 祈使句.= Will you please ……? 例如:

Please read after me. = Will you please read after me ? 请跟我读。



① Let 表示“建议”,后面跟第一人称代词作宾语。如:

Let me try again. 让我再试一试。

② Let 表示“间接命令或愿望”,后面接第三人称代词作宾语。如:

Let him work out the problem by himself.


1. play computer games again.

A. Not B. Don’t C. Doesn’t D. Aren’t

2. get off the bus before it stops.

A. Don’t B. Doesn’t C. Didn’t

2. arrive late for = be late for (做某事) 迟到

如: I was late for school yesterday morning. 昨天上午我上学迟到了。

Don’t arrive late for the meeting. 开会别迟到了。

3. Don’t listen to music in class. 不要再课堂上听音乐。

in class 固定短语, 意为“在上课,上课时”。

如: Don’t talk in class. Listen to the teacher. 不要讲话,注意听讲。

【class 的相关短语】

Attend class 听课 after class 课后 the first class 一流,头等 have classes 上课

【辨析listen 与 hear】

(1) listen 表示“积极地倾听”,而hear 则是“自然地听到”之意。如:

Listen to the teacher carefully. 请认真听老师的讲解。

Can you hear someone singing in the next room ? 你能听到有人在隔壁房间里唱歌吗?

(2) listen 可用于祈使句,但表示“听到”的hear 却不可以。

Don’t listen to the radio in the meeting. 不要再会上听收音机。

(3) listen 强调动作、过程,可用于进行时,但hear 表示“听到”的结果,不可用于进行时。如:

Be quiet, please! I’m listening to the music. 请安静,我在听音乐。

4. What do you have to do ? 你们必须做什么?

have to 与其他情态动词一样后接动词原形,表示客观上的需要,强调被迫性,有“不得不”的含义。 have to 可用于多种时态,形式随时态变化而变化,还可以用在其他情态动词之后。如:

We have to work hard. 我们得努力工作。

I think he may have to help his dad in the garden. 我想他可能不得不在花园里帮他爸爸。

【辨析 have to 与 must】

(1) 表达意见上的差异: must 表示说话人的主观意图和要求,相当于汉语中的“必须”;

have / has to 表示由于外部环境、情况、习惯等的客观需要,相当于汉语中的“不得不”。

如: You must do your homework now. 现在你必须做你的功课。

He has to study late into the night to pass the exam. 为了通过考试,他不得不学习到深夜。

(2)在否定句和疑问句中,have to 需借助于助动词do 相关形式,而must 则直接用mustn’t 或将must 提到句首。如:

Your mother doesn’t have to do that now. 你妈妈现在不必做那件事情了。

You mustn’t play football in the street after class. 放学后,你们一定不要在街上踢足球。

(3)must 不能与其他助动词will,shall 等连用,因此这种情形下要用have to。 Must 没有过去式,因此用于过去时应用had to (表示过去必须做,并且做到了)。如:

Shall we have to meet at the gate of the school? 我们必须在校门口相见吗?

He had to get up early to catch the early bus. 他不得不起早床,去赶早班车。


1. –Whose notebook is this?

-It Jim’s. It has his name on it.

A. can’t be B. must be C. can be

【解析】考查情态动词表示猜测的用法。Can’t be 意为“不可能是”;must be 意为“一定是”;can be 表示猜测,一般用于否定句或疑问句中,不用于肯定句中。答案:B

拓展:由must 构成的疑问句,对其进行否定回答时,用yes,……must. 而否定回答用No, …..needn’t.

2. –Mum, must I wash the dishes right now?

- No, you .

A. shouldn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t


1. Is there food in the fridge? I’m hungry.

A. some B. any C. something D. anything

2. The light in the room wasn’t for me to read.

A. enough bright B. brightly enough C. enough brightly D. bright enough

教 学 目 标 1. 掌握unit 4 词汇

2. 能熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家教等)的看法

3. 能使用目标语言制定并讨论校园内一些公共场所的规则,掌握句型:

Don’t eat in class

-Can we wear a hat in class?

-No,we can’t.

We always have to wear the school uniform.

4. 给父母写一封建议信。

重点、难点、考点 1. 掌握unit 4 词汇

2. 能熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家教等)的看法

3. 能使用目标语言制定并讨论校园内一些公共场所的规则,掌握句型:

Don’t eat in class

-Can we wear a hat in class?

-No,we can’t.

We always have to wear the school uniform.

4. 给父母写一封建议信。




1. work (名词) 7. Photo (同义词)

2. mother (对应词) 8. television (缩写形式)

3. late (反义词) 9. jobs (单数)

4. long (反义词) 10. brother (所有格形式)

5. good (最高级)

6. black (反义词)

II. 英汉互译

1. 踢足球 2. 体育

3. 喜欢科学 4. 课后

5. 做早操 6. 在星期三

7. be sure 8. for two hours

9. be strict with sb. 10. art teacher

三. 课文解析

Section A

1. Don’t arrive late for class. 不要上课迟到。


Don’t do that again. 不要再做那样的事情了。

Don’t tell our teachers our secrets. 不要告诉我们老师我们的。


① 句型:动词原形…...(省略主语)。例如:

Look at these holes ! 看这些洞。

② 有时,为了加强语气,可以在动词之前加do。例如:

Do be quiet. 务必安静。

③ 用客气的语气表示祈使句时,可在句首或句尾加上please,但如果在句尾加please,那么在please之前一定要加上一个逗号“,”。如:Keep quiet, please. 请保持安静。

④ 祈使句中如果有唤语,一定要用逗号“,”将唤语与其他的内容隔开,唤语置于句首或句尾。如:

Come here,Li Ming. 到这儿来,李明。


① 祈使句=you must …..(陈述句)。如:

Be quiet. = You must be quiet. 安静。

② Please + 祈使句.= Will you please ……? 例如:

Please read after me. = Will you please read after me ? 请跟我读。



① Let 表示“建议”,后面跟第一人称代词作宾语。如:

Let me try again. 让我再试一试。

② Let 表示“间接命令或愿望”,后面接第三人称代词作宾语。如:

Let him work out the problem by himself.


1. play computer games again.

A. Not B. Don’t C. Doesn’t D. Aren’t

2. get off the bus before it stops.

A. Don’t B. Doesn’t C. Didn’t

2. arrive late for = be late for (做某事) 迟到

如: I was late for school yesterday morning. 昨天上午我上学迟到了。

Don’t arrive late for the meeting. 开会别迟到了。

3. Don’t listen to music in class. 不要再课堂上听音乐。

in class 固定短语, 意为“在上课,上课时”。

如: Don’t talk in class. Listen to the teacher. 不要讲话,注意听讲。

【class 的相关短语】

Attend class 听课 after class 课后 the first class 一流,头等 have classes 上课

【辨析listen 与 hear】

(1) listen 表示“积极地倾听”,而hear 则是“自然地听到”之意。如:

Listen to the teacher carefully. 请认真听老师的讲解。

Can you hear someone singing in the next room ? 你能听到有人在隔壁房间里唱歌吗?

(2) listen 可用于祈使句,但表示“听到”的hear 却不可以。

Don’t listen to the radio in the meeting. 不要再会上听收音机。

(3) listen 强调动作、过程,可用于进行时,但hear 表示“听到”的结果,不可用于进行时。如:

Be quiet, please! I’m listening to the music. 请安静,我在听音乐。

4. What do you have to do ? 你们必须做什么?

have to 与其他情态动词一样后接动词原形,表示客观上的需要,强调被迫性,有“不得不”的含义。 have to 可用于多种时态,形式随时态变化而变化,还可以用在其他情态动词之后。如:

We have to work hard. 我们得努力工作。

I think he may have to help his dad in the garden. 我想他可能不得不在花园里帮他爸爸。

【辨析 have to 与 must】

(1) 表达意见上的差异: must 表示说话人的主观意图和要求,相当于汉语中的“必须”;

have / has to 表示由于外部环境、情况、习惯等的客观需要,相当于汉语中的“不得不”。

如: You must do your homework now. 现在你必须做你的功课。

He has to study late into the night to pass the exam. 为了通过考试,他不得不学习到深夜。

(2)在否定句和疑问句中,have to 需借助于助动词do 相关形式,而must 则直接用mustn’t 或将must 提到句首。如:

Your mother doesn’t have to do that now. 你妈妈现在不必做那件事情了。

You mustn’t play football in the street after class. 放学后,你们一定不要在街上踢足球。

(3)must 不能与其他助动词will,shall 等连用,因此这种情形下要用have to。 Must 没有过去式,因此用于过去时应用had to (表示过去必须做,并且做到了)。如:

Shall we have to meet at the gate of the school? 我们必须在校门口相见吗?

He had to get up early to catch the early bus. 他不得不起早床,去赶早班车。


1. –Whose notebook is this?

-It Jim’s. It has his name on it.

A. can’t be B. must be C. can be

【解析】考查情态动词表示猜测的用法。Can’t be 意为“不可能是”;must be 意为“一定是”;can be 表示猜测,一般用于否定句或疑问句中,不用于肯定句中。答案:B

拓展:由must 构成的疑问句,对其进行否定回答时,用yes,……must. 而否定回答用No, …..needn’t.

2. –Mum, must I wash the dishes right now?

- No, you .

A. shouldn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t


1. Is there food in the fridge? I’m hungry.

A. some B. any C. something D. anything

2. The light in the room wasn’t for me to read.

A. enough bright B. brightly enough C. enough brightly D. bright enough

教 学 目 标 1. 掌握unit 4 词汇

2. 能熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家教等)的看法

3. 能使用目标语言制定并讨论校园内一些公共场所的规则,掌握句型:

Don’t eat in class

-Can we wear a hat in class?

-No,we can’t.

We always have to wear the school uniform.

4. 给父母写一封建议信。

重点、难点、考点 1. 掌握unit 4 词汇

2. 能熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家教等)的看法

3. 能使用目标语言制定并讨论校园内一些公共场所的规则,掌握句型:

Don’t eat in class

-Can we wear a hat in class?

-No,we can’t.

We always have to wear the school uniform.

4. 给父母写一封建议信。




1. work (名词) 7. Photo (同义词)

2. mother (对应词) 8. television (缩写形式)

3. late (反义词) 9. jobs (单数)

4. long (反义词) 10. brother (所有格形式)

5. good (最高级)

6. black (反义词)

II. 英汉互译

1. 踢足球 2. 体育

3. 喜欢科学 4. 课后

5. 做早操 6. 在星期三

7. be sure 8. for two hours

9. be strict with sb. 10. art teacher

三. 课文解析

Section A

1. Don’t arrive late for class. 不要上课迟到。


Don’t do that again. 不要再做那样的事情了。

Don’t tell our teachers our secrets. 不要告诉我们老师我们的。


① 句型:动词原形…...(省略主语)。例如:

Look at these holes ! 看这些洞。

② 有时,为了加强语气,可以在动词之前加do。例如:

Do be quiet. 务必安静。

③ 用客气的语气表示祈使句时,可在句首或句尾加上please,但如果在句尾加please,那么在please之前一定要加上一个逗号“,”。如:Keep quiet, please. 请保持安静。

④ 祈使句中如果有唤语,一定要用逗号“,”将唤语与其他的内容隔开,唤语置于句首或句尾。如:

Come here,Li Ming. 到这儿来,李明。


① 祈使句=you must …..(陈述句)。如:

Be quiet. = You must be quiet. 安静。

② Please + 祈使句.= Will you please ……? 例如:

Please read after me. = Will you please read after me ? 请跟我读。



① Let 表示“建议”,后面跟第一人称代词作宾语。如:

Let me try again. 让我再试一试。

② Let 表示“间接命令或愿望”,后面接第三人称代词作宾语。如:

Let him work out the problem by himself.


1. play computer games again.

A. Not B. Don’t C. Doesn’t D. Aren’t

2. get off the bus before it stops.

A. Don’t B. Doesn’t C. Didn’t

2. arrive late for = be late for (做某事) 迟到

如: I was late for school yesterday morning. 昨天上午我上学迟到了。

Don’t arrive late for the meeting. 开会别迟到了。

3. Don’t listen to music in class. 不要再课堂上听音乐。

in class 固定短语, 意为“在上课,上课时”。

如: Don’t talk in class. Listen to the teacher. 不要讲话,注意听讲。

【class 的相关短语】

Attend class 听课 after class 课后 the first class 一流,头等 have classes 上课

【辨析listen 与 hear】

(1) listen 表示“积极地倾听”,而hear 则是“自然地听到”之意。如:

Listen to the teacher carefully. 请认真听老师的讲解。

Can you hear someone singing in the next room ? 你能听到有人在隔壁房间里唱歌吗?

(2) listen 可用于祈使句,但表示“听到”的hear 却不可以。

Don’t listen to the radio in the meeting. 不要再会上听收音机。

(3) listen 强调动作、过程,可用于进行时,但hear 表示“听到”的结果,不可用于进行时。如:

Be quiet, please! I’m listening to the music. 请安静,我在听音乐。

4. What do you have to do ? 你们必须做什么?

have to 与其他情态动词一样后接动词原形,表示客观上的需要,强调被迫性,有“不得不”的含义。 have to 可用于多种时态,形式随时态变化而变化,还可以用在其他情态动词之后。如:

We have to work hard. 我们得努力工作。

I think he may have to help his dad in the garden. 我想他可能不得不在花园里帮他爸爸。

【辨析 have to 与 must】

(1) 表达意见上的差异: must 表示说话人的主观意图和要求,相当于汉语中的“必须”;

have / has to 表示由于外部环境、情况、习惯等的客观需要,相当于汉语中的“不得不”。

如: You must do your homework now. 现在你必须做你的功课。

He has to study late into the night to pass the exam. 为了通过考试,他不得不学习到深夜。

(2)在否定句和疑问句中,have to 需借助于助动词do 相关形式,而must 则直接用mustn’t 或将must 提到句首。如:

Your mother doesn’t have to do that now. 你妈妈现在不必做那件事情了。

You mustn’t play football in the street after class. 放学后,你们一定不要在街上踢足球。

(3)must 不能与其他助动词will,shall 等连用,因此这种情形下要用have to。 Must 没有过去式,因此用于过去时应用had to (表示过去必须做,并且做到了)。如:

Shall we have to meet at the gate of the school? 我们必须在校门口相见吗?

He had to get up early to catch the early bus. 他不得不起早床,去赶早班车。


1. –Whose notebook is this?

-It Jim’s. It has his name on it.

A. can’t be B. must be C. can be

【解析】考查情态动词表示猜测的用法。Can’t be 意为“不可能是”;must be 意为“一定是”;can be 表示猜测,一般用于否定句或疑问句中,不用于肯定句中。答案:B

拓展:由must 构成的疑问句,对其进行否定回答时,用yes,……must. 而否定回答用No, …..needn’t.

2. –Mum, must I wash the dishes right now?

- No, you .

A. shouldn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t


1. Is there food in the fridge? I’m hungry.

A. some B. any C. something D. anything

2. The light in the room wasn’t for me to read.

A. enough bright B. brightly enough C. enough brightly D. bright enough

教 学 目 标 1. 掌握unit 4 词汇

2. 能熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家教等)的看法

3. 能使用目标语言制定并讨论校园内一些公共场所的规则,掌握句型:

Don’t eat in class

-Can we wear a hat in class?

-No,we can’t.

We always have to wear the school uniform.

4. 给父母写一封建议信。

重点、难点、考点 1. 掌握unit 4 词汇

2. 能熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家教等)的看法

3. 能使用目标语言制定并讨论校园内一些公共场所的规则,掌握句型:

Don’t eat in class

-Can we wear a hat in class?

-No,we can’t.

We always have to wear the school uniform.

4. 给父母写一封建议信。




1. work (名词) 7. Photo (同义词)

2. mother (对应词) 8. television (缩写形式)

3. late (反义词) 9. jobs (单数)

4. long (反义词) 10. brother (所有格形式)

5. good (最高级)

6. black (反义词)

II. 英汉互译

1. 踢足球 2. 体育

3. 喜欢科学 4. 课后

5. 做早操 6. 在星期三

7. be sure 8. for two hours

9. be strict with sb. 10. art teacher

三. 课文解析

Section A

1. Don’t arrive late for class. 不要上课迟到。


Don’t do that again. 不要再做那样的事情了。

Don’t tell our teachers our secrets. 不要告诉我们老师我们的。


① 句型:动词原形…...(省略主语)。例如:

Look at these holes ! 看这些洞。

② 有时,为了加强语气,可以在动词之前加do。例如:

Do be quiet. 务必安静。

③ 用客气的语气表示祈使句时,可在句首或句尾加上please,但如果在句尾加please,那么在please之前一定要加上一个逗号“,”。如:Keep quiet, please. 请保持安静。

④ 祈使句中如果有唤语,一定要用逗号“,”将唤语与其他的内容隔开,唤语置于句首或句尾。如:

Come here,Li Ming. 到这儿来,李明。


① 祈使句=you must …..(陈述句)。如:

Be quiet. = You must be quiet. 安静。

② Please + 祈使句.= Will you please ……? 例如:

Please read after me. = Will you please read after me ? 请跟我读。



① Let 表示“建议”,后面跟第一人称代词作宾语。如:

Let me try again. 让我再试一试。

② Let 表示“间接命令或愿望”,后面接第三人称代词作宾语。如:

Let him work out the problem by himself.


1. play computer games again.

A. Not B. Don’t C. Doesn’t D. Aren’t

2. get off the bus before it stops.

A. Don’t B. Doesn’t C. Didn’t

2. arrive late for = be late for (做某事) 迟到

如: I was late for school yesterday morning. 昨天上午我上学迟到了。

Don’t arrive late for the meeting. 开会别迟到了。

3. Don’t listen to music in class. 不要再课堂上听音乐。

in class 固定短语, 意为“在上课,上课时”。

如: Don’t talk in class. Listen to the teacher. 不要讲话,注意听讲。

【class 的相关短语】

Attend class 听课 after class 课后 the first class 一流,头等 have classes 上课

【辨析listen 与 hear】

(1) listen 表示“积极地倾听”,而hear 则是“自然地听到”之意。如:

Listen to the teacher carefully. 请认真听老师的讲解。

Can you hear someone singing in the next room ? 你能听到有人在隔壁房间里唱歌吗?

(2) listen 可用于祈使句,但表示“听到”的hear 却不可以。

Don’t listen to the radio in the meeting. 不要再会上听收音机。

(3) listen 强调动作、过程,可用于进行时,但hear 表示“听到”的结果,不可用于进行时。如:

Be quiet, please! I’m listening to the music. 请安静,我在听音乐。

4. What do you have to do ? 你们必须做什么?

have to 与其他情态动词一样后接动词原形,表示客观上的需要,强调被迫性,有“不得不”的含义。 have to 可用于多种时态,形式随时态变化而变化,还可以用在其他情态动词之后。如:

We have to work hard. 我们得努力工作。

I think he may have to help his dad in the garden. 我想他可能不得不在花园里帮他爸爸。

【辨析 have to 与 must】

(1) 表达意见上的差异: must 表示说话人的主观意图和要求,相当于汉语中的“必须”;

have / has to 表示由于外部环境、情况、习惯等的客观需要,相当于汉语中的“不得不”。

如: You must do your homework now. 现在你必须做你的功课。

He has to study late into the night to pass the exam. 为了通过考试,他不得不学习到深夜。

(2)在否定句和疑问句中,have to 需借助于助动词do 相关形式,而must 则直接用mustn’t 或将must 提到句首。如:

Your mother doesn’t have to do that now. 你妈妈现在不必做那件事情了。

You mustn’t play football in the street after class. 放学后,你们一定不要在街上踢足球。

(3)must 不能与其他助动词will,shall 等连用,因此这种情形下要用have to。 Must 没有过去式,因此用于过去时应用had to (表示过去必须做,并且做到了)。如:

Shall we have to meet at the gate of the school? 我们必须在校门口相见吗?

He had to get up early to catch the early bus. 他不得不起早床,去赶早班车。


1. –Whose notebook is this?

-It Jim’s. It has his name on it.

A. can’t be B. must be C. can be

【解析】考查情态动词表示猜测的用法。Can’t be 意为“不可能是”;must be 意为“一定是”;can be 表示猜测,一般用于否定句或疑问句中,不用于肯定句中。答案:B

拓展:由must 构成的疑问句,对其进行否定回答时,用yes,……must. 而否定回答用No, …..needn’t.

2. –Mum, must I wash the dishes right now?

- No, you .

A. shouldn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t


1. Is there food in the fridge? I’m hungry.

A. some B. any C. something D. anything

2. The light in the room wasn’t for me to read.

A. enough bright B. brightly enough C. enough brightly D. bright enough


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