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课堂检测 Lesson 47 We visited the Great Wall第一课时

一 选择题

( ) 1. did Jenny go last week?

A. What B. Where C. When D. Why

( ) 2. — were youlate for school yesterday?

— Because I got up late in the morning.

A. What B. Where C. When D. Why

( ) 3. — is the Great Wall of China?

— It’s about 6,700 kilometers long.

A. Where B. When C. How long D. How old

( ) 4. — did they travel there?

8. They went there by train.

A. When B. What C. How about D. How

( ) 5. — did John and Lisa do on the Great Wall?

— They took photos there.

A. When B. What C. Why D. How

二 从方框中选择恰当的词语补全对话。

how, what, where, what time, how long

1. — did John go last night? — He went to to the Capital Cinema.

2. — did you go to the park? — By bus.

3. — did you play in the game? — For twenty minutes.

4. — was the weather like yesterday? — It was snowy.

5. — do you get up? — At six o’clock.

三 根据句意,在括号中正确的词语下面画线

1. He ( watched, watches ) TV every day.

2. We ( visited, visit ) the Great Wall.

3. The workers ( built, build ) a new building last month.

4. It ( is, was ) a sunny day yesterday.

5. Many old people ( climbed, climb ) hills on Sunday.

6. Hw ( bought, uys ) a pen last week.

四 连词成句

1. where, John, did, go, last night

2. how, go to the park, you, did

3. we, the Great Wall, visited, last summer

4. what time, you, do, usually, get up

课堂检测 Lesson 47 第二课时


一 选择题

( ) 1. Sara to her uncle’s farm last week, and she her cousin a present.

A. drove, buy B. drove, bought C. go, buy D. went, buy

( ) 2. The workers a new building last month.

A. build B. builded C. built D. building

( ) 3. The Great Wall the time of the Qin Dynasty.

A. comes from B. come from C. came from D. coming from

( ) 4. Today a sunny day, but yesterday a rainy day.

A. When B. What C. Why D. How

( ) 5. Billy usually lunch at school, but he at a restaurant yesterday.

A. had, ate B. has, eats C. had, eats D. has, ate

二 从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话

A. How did you get there?

B. Where did you go testerday?

C. How was the trip?

D. What time did you leave Beijing?

E. How long did you walk on the wall?

F. Why did you buy it?

Lily: Cathy,

Cathy: Billy and I went to the Badaling Great Wall.


Cathy: We left Beijing at about 9 o’clock.


Cathy: We drove to the Great Wall.


Cathy: We walked on it for four hours.

Lily: Did you buy anything there?

Cathy: Yes, I bought a hat there.

Lily: Oh,

Cathy: Because it was quite cold up on the Great Wall.


Cathy: It was interesting. We had a fantastic time.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


