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初一英语上册Units 11—12单元测试卷(有答案)




6. A: My favorite subjects are English and music. What’s your favorite subject, Mary?

B: History. I think it’s interesting.

Question: What’s Mary’s favorite subject?

7. A: Do you like history?

B: No, it’s boring. I like science very much.

Question: Does the boy like science?

8. A: What time do you get up?

B: I get up at 6:30.

A: And what time do you go to school?

B: I go to school at 7:30.

Question: What time does she go to school?

9. A: Hi, Li Ming. What time is it now ?

B: It’s five-thirty

Question: What’s the time?

10. My English teacher is Mr Green, my history teacher is Mr Smith and my science teacher is Mr Brown.

Question: Who is his science teacher?


It’s Sunday. Selina gets up at 6:30. She doesn’t go to school. She eats breakfast at seven o’clock. After breakfast she does her homework at nine-thirty. In the afternoon, she plays basketball. After dinner, she watches TV. At ten o’clock she goes to bed.


A: Hello, Jenny. What’s your favorite subject?

B: My favorite subject is English. I think it’s very interesting.

A: When do you have English?

B: On Monday. How about you, Mike? What’s your favorite subject?

A: My favorite subject is art.

B: Really? Why?

A: Because it’s relaxing.

B: And when do you have art?

A: We have art on Friday.


Ⅰ、1-5. BCCBC 6-10. CACBC 11-15. CBACC 16. English 17. interesting 18. Monday 19. art 20. Friday Ⅱ、21-25. BAACB 26-30. CBBBA 31-35. ACCBA 36-40. BACCA 41-45. BCACA Ⅲ、46-50. AACAA 51. Tomorrow Never Die. 52. It’s an action movie. 53. No, I can’t. 54. It’s 20 dollars. 55. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 56. twenty-five 57. basketball 58. math teacher 59. action movies 60. on weekends 61-65. EADBC Ⅳ、66-70. 略 C) I have six classes on Friday. There are four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. At 8:30 I have English. I like it because it’s interesting. Then I have history at 9:25. I don’t like history. I think it’s boring. At 10:20 I have music, it’s relaxing. I have computer class at 11:15. I like it because I can play computer games. In the afternoon I have math at 1:30, math is difficult. Then at 2:10 I have P.E class, it’s also interesting. I like it very much.



初一英语下学期Unit 12基础测试题及答案

初一英语下册Unit 11基础测试题及答案



