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Ⅱ. 单项选择(15分)

1. England is   European country.

A. the    B. an     C. a     D. /

2. Hi, my name is Tony Smith. Smith is my   .

A. first name      B. last name

C. given name      D. full name

3. —When do you often get up?

—I often get up at    in the morning.

A. half past six     B. six

C. seven thirty      D. half past seven

4. When you want to search on the Internet, please   the computer first.

A. take off   B. turn off   C. turn on   D. open

5. Look at the photo of my family. I’m   my father.

A. on the left

B. on the left of

C. on the right

D. on the right of

6. Judy is a good student. She’s   the first to come to school. She   comes to school late.

A. often; always     B. never; sometimes

C. always; never     D. sometimes; usually

7. We ask the students to   at 9: 30 in the evening.

A. get up       B. have breakfast

C. have class      D. go to sleep

8. It’s 8 o’clock. Tony’s parents   TV in the living room.

A. is watching      B. are watching

C. watch       D. watches

9. I would like a cup of coffee.    ?

A. What are you     B. What about you

C. How are you     D. Where are you

10. Wang Fei is a football fan. He often   football matches on television.

A. reads   B. looks  C. sees   D. watches

11. I have got   beef for lunch, but I haven’t got   tomatoes.

A. any; some      B. some; any

C. any; any      D. some; some

12.    a book and some pens on the desk.

A. There is       B. There are

C. There has      D. There have

13. The zebras have long necks. They can eat   easily.

A. leave   B. leaves  C. leaf   D. leafs

14. This is   bedroom. They like it very much.

A. Lucy and Lily’s    B. Lucy and Lily

C. Lucy’s and Lily     D. Lucy’s and Lily’s

15. Jenny’s math lesson is   nine   Friday morning.

A. in; on  B. at; on   C. on; in  D. at; in

Ⅲ. 完形填空(10分)

On Sunday morning, I usually get up very late. I wash my face, and then go out to do morning exercises. It is about 8: 40 am. After I eat my 1 , I often go to a shopping centre 2 my mother. The shopping centre is 3 our home, so we walk there. It takes us about 20 minutes to get there. The shopping centre has a good 4 . It is called“蓝莓购物中心”in Chinese. It doesn’t have an English name. Can you 5 it in English? It is new and big. There are many things there, such as TVs, fridges, computers, clothes, food

6 drinks. There are many 7 every day. There are men and women, the old and   the 8 .  9 do many people come here to buy things? Do you know? Let me tell you. The workers there are always nice and friendly. The things there are usually good but not 10 . If you come to my home, I can take you there and have a look.

1. A. breakfast  B. lunch  C. supper  D. dinner

2. A. for   B. to   C. of   D. with

3. A. near   B. into   C. at   D. from

4. A. flower  B. place  C. name  D. room

5. A. say   B. speak  C. tell   D. talk

6. A. but   B. with   C. or   D. and

7. A. students      B. people

C. children       D. teachers

8. A. tall   B. short  C. young  D. small

9. A. What   B. Who  C. Why  D. When

10. A. expensive B. cheap  C. big   D. new

Ⅳ. 阅读理解(20分)


Hi, my name’s Alan. I’m fourteen years old. I go to Canyon Middle School in America. I go to school on weekdays, but not on Saturday or Sunday. I usually have breakfast at eight o’clock. I enjoy some bread and milk for breakfast. My class starts at ten to nine. My friend Lisa sits in front of me, and my friend Peter sits next to me. We have three lessons in the morning, and we usually have English, maths in the morning. In the afternoon, we usually have a PE lesson and we often play basketball. That’s my favourite. I don’t like history or geography because they are difficult. After school, I usually go back home at once. In the evening, I enjoy watching TV.

1. What does Alan like for breakfast?

2. Alan’s class starts at   .

A. 8: 00  B. 8: 30

C. 8: 50  D. 9: 10

3. What lessons does Alan usually have in the morning?

A. English and Chinese.

B. English and history.

C. Geography and maths.

D. English and maths.

4. Why doesn’t Alan like geography?

A. Because it’s very long.

B. Because it’s too easy.

C. Because it’s hard.

D. Because it’s not funny.

5. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Alan usually spends six days at school.

B. Lisa, Peter and Alan are studying in the same class.

C. Alan likes art best, but he doesn’t like history.

D. Alan watches TV in the evening every day.


