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Mason’s Clothing Store

Clothes  Color Price

Socks  White, blue $4

pants black $11

sweater Red, white $8

T-shirt Red, green, black $7

hat Black, red $6

71. Which is the cheapest(最便宜的) of all?

A. Hat    B. T-shirt    C. Socks    D. Pants

72. How much are two sweaters and a hat?

A. $ 14    B. $ 20      C. $ 21     D. $ 22

73. You can buy ______ in Mason’s Clothing Store.

A. black pants   B. a blue sweater  C. a green hat   D. red socks

74. You like red and you only have $ 6. You can take ______.

A. a sweater    B. a hat    C. a T-shirt     D. none(全无)

75.You have sixteen dollars. You can buy______.

A. a sweater and a pair of pants    B. Two T-shirts and a pair of socks

C. a sweater and two pairs of socks     D. a sweater and two hats



People call it “the first sport in the world”. There are two teams(队) in the football field during a game. Each(每一) team has eleven players. Tennis

There is a big net between both sides. Each player has a racket in his hand. Two or four players can play it together.


Golf is from Scotland(苏格兰).

It means green, oxygen, light and foot. People play it on the outdoor grass. They hit (打) the white balls into the small holes(洞) with a stick(棍子)。 Basketball

America is the hometown of basketball. This is famous(著名) for NBA. There are two teams with ten players on the basketball court(场). They can’t run with the ball in their hands.

76. The first sport in the world is ________ .

A. basketball       B. football    C. tennis      D. golf

77. ________ is very popular(受欢迎的) sport in America.

A. Basketball     B. Football    C. Tennis      D. Golf

78. Where is golf from?

A. China       B. Japan     C. America           D. Scotland

79. There are ________ players in a basketball game.

A. only one     B.  two or four      C. ten      D. twenty-two

80. Which one is Not right(正确的)?

A. Golfers use a stick to hit the white balls. B. Each tennis player has a racket in his hand. C. There are two teams in the football field during a game.

D. The basketball players can run with the ball in their hands.

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共40分)

得分 评卷人

Ⅵ. 字母和音标(5分)


82.读音选词 从方框中选择适当的词填空(每词限用一次)

hot   teacher   pig   everything    funny

(1) A big __________ /pɪg/  is running on the farm.

(2) I like to eat ___________/hɒt/dogs for breakfast.

(3) His son is very __________/'fʌnɪ/.

(4) My mother is a good ___________/'ti:tʃə/.

(5) The thief stole /' evrɪθɪŋ/__________ in the room.

得分 评卷人



it   really   art    but   why

It’s ten o’clock. Class One is having an 83 __________ lesson. The students

are all drawing pictures, 84_________ Tom doesn’t.

After class, Tom gives his drawing paper to Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith is

angry(生气的), and says “85 __________ don’t you draw a picture, Tom?”

“Mr. Smith. I 86___________ draw a picture. I draw a cat and a fish.” says Tom.

“Then where are the cat and the fish?” asks the teacher.

“The cat eats the fish, and then 87___________ runs away.” Tom answers.

B. 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词(do 或does)或不定式符号(to)。(每词限用一次)

eat    not like    be     watch    play

Bill is a my cousin. He 88______________ tidy and healthy. He has a good 89__________ habit. He likes fruit and vegetables. He 90___________ junk food.(垃圾食品). And he loves sports . He plays basketball with his classmates every afternoon.

“Don’t always 91___________ TV . Come and play basketball with us!” he says to me.

Next week, I want 92___________ basketball with Bill. I think it’s very useful.

得分 评卷人

Ⅷ. 改写句子 按括号中的要求完成改写后的句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分)

93. That is my eraser. (改为否定句)

That ___________  ___________ my eraser.

94. I have PE. on Tuesday and Wednesday .   (对画线部分提问)

_________  ________ you have PE.?

95. I like playing basketball best. (改写句子,句意不变)

_________  __________sport is basketball.


