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2014初一英语下册Module8 Story time单元测试题



2014初一英语下册Module8 Story time单元测试题

一、 听力测试(满分15分)

A. 听句子,选择恰当的答语。(每小题1分,满分5分)

1. A. Beijing.    B. Last week.    C. With their friends.

2. A. Yes, you were.  B. Yes, I was.    C. No, I didn’t.

3. A. In a town.   B. In 2010.    C. It was Sunday.

4. A. He was very busy.  B. He often cleans his room.

C. He watched TV.

5. A. By bus.    B. Last week.    C. To see her grandpa.

B. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案。(每小题2分,满分10分)

6. A. She went to the beach. B. She went to the park.  C. She went to the city.

7. A. Yes, he di d.   B. No, he didn’t.   C. No, he doesn’t.xk|b|1

8. A. France.    B. England.    C. America.

9. A. Rainy.    B. Sunny.     C. Windy.

10. A. 7:10.    B. 6:50.     C. 10:07.


11. He decided          home.

A. go     B. to go    C. go to    D. to go to

12. Her father          her hometown at last.

A. return    B. returned   C. returned to   D. return to

1 3. He wanted to have a rest, because he was very          .

A. tire    B. tired    C. happy    D. free

14. When did he          Suzhou?

A.returned    B.returned to   C.return    D.return to

15. The little girl was          in the new bed soon.

A. sleep    B. asleep    C. sleeped   D. slept

16.—Did you read a book called Jane Eyre?

—Who          it?

A. writes    B. write    C. is writing   D. wrote

17. This party          a pop song.

A. began in   B. began    C. began to   D. began with

18.           water, fish could not live.

A. In     B. With    C. Under    D. Without

19. Lucy is writing to an American girl          Lily.

A.call      B.calls    C.calling    D.called

20. Your book is on the floor. P lease          .

A. pick up it   B. pick it up   C. pick up them  D. pick them up


Once upon a time, there was  21  old farmer. He lov ed money very much. He kept a lot of gold coins(金币)but  22  used them; he  23  not give them to  others. He put them into a  24  box and put it in the ground. He came to the  25  every day to look at it. This made him happy.

26  ,when he came to the place, he could not find the  27  . He became very, very sad. He began to cry.  28  a man came to him and said,“Don’t cry. Put a stone in the ground instead, and  29  it is a box of gold coins. A stone will be still the same,  30  when the coins were there, you never used them.”

21. A. a    B. the    C. an    D. /

22. A. often   B. never    C. nearly    D. almost

23. A. did    B. could    C. would    D. should

24. A. black    B. paper     C. blue    D. strong

25. A. earth   B. ground   C. place    D. there

26. A. After day  B. Sometimes   C. One day   D. From then on

27. A. box   B. dog    C. place     D. house

28. A. So    B. Then    C. But    D. And

29. A. say   B. let    C. think    D. know

30. A. because   B. so    C. if     D. but

四、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20 分)


Maria lived near a forest. She often played with the an imals in the forest. They were all her friends.

One day, Maria walk ed into the forest to play with her animal friends. But to her surprise( 令她惊讶的是),the forest was ver y quiet and the animals weren’t there! Maria hurried back to tell her parents. Her parents returned to the forest with Maria. The forest was still very quiet. But Maria’s father noticed a little monkey behind a big tree. The monkey was dying! They tried to save it. But the monkey was too weak. Before it died, the monkey told them the truth(真相):a gho st(魔鬼)wanted to get the forest, so he asked all the animals to go away.

Maria and her parents were very angry. They decided to drive the ghost away. They asked their friends and neighbors to help them. The ghost was strong but the people were stronger. At last, the ghost left and the animals returned to the forest happily.


31. Maria had lots of           friends.

A. boy   B. girl    C. plant    D. animal

32. One day the forest was quiet and Maria           why.

A .didn’t know B. didn’t think about  C. noticed   D. asked the animals

33. The little monkey           at last.

A. helped Maria to find other animals   B. walked away

C. died because it was too weak   D. was well again

34. What do the underlined words “drive...away” m ean in Chinese?

A.开车    B.离开    C.赶走    D.杀死

35. Who lived in the forest at last?

A. The ghost. B. The people.    C. The little monkey. D. The animals.


Mr Henry worked in a middle school. He read a lot and could answer all the questions that his students asked.

One Sunday morning, when he was dressing his little son, Jimmy, suddenly the little boy said, “May I ask you a question, Dad?”

“Of course, you may,”answered Mr Henry.

“Are you sure that you can answer it?”

“Don’t you believe me? I ’m sure I can.”





