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(   )1.Where did Tony go yesterday?

(   )2.Who did Betty talk to just now?

(   )3.What did Betty’s family do last weekend?

(   )4.M: How did Lingling spend her weekend?

(   )5.What did Lingling get on her birthday?



(   )6.How was Betty’s holiday?

A. bad             B. hard            C. great

(   )7.Who did Betty meet?

A. snow white and monkey king     B. snow white and mickey mouse

C. snow white and lion king


(   )8.What does Bill like doing?

A. Walking           B. Traveling         C. Reading

(   )9.Where did he go last year?

A. Japan              B. Canada           C.France

(   )10.Where isn’t he going next year?

A. Australia           B. America          C.Russia


Travel Experience (经历)

Time: 11.

Place: 12.

Weather: 13.

With whom: 14.

Activities: Swam, ate, and 15.         lots of things

(   )11.Last week             B. Last month          C. Last year

(   )12.A.Hawaii             B. Hainan              C. Henan

(   )13.A.Sunny              B. Classmates           C. Parents

(   )14.A. Friends            B. Classmates            C. Parents

(   )15.A.swam              B. took photos           C. bought

第二部分  笔试部分(80分)


(   )16.—I went to the Louvre Museum last week.

—Wow! It’s         famous museum!

A. a              B. an            C. the           D./

(   )17. My last Children’s Day is coming! We are very         .

A. exciting        B. bored          C. excited        D.boring

(   )18.— Where did you go         holiday? —To Los Angeles.

A.in              B.at           C.on           D.of

(   )19.Betty         Paris two days ago. She had a great time.

A.get to          B.arrived in      C.arrived at     D.reach

(   )20.I had too much homework yesterday. It took me two hours           it.

A.does           B.to do         C.did           D.doing

(   )21.—            are you going to Guangzhou? —By plane.

A.How           B.Where       C.When         D.Why

(   )22.If I want to visit Hollywood, I should travel to        .

A.Italy           B.France        C.Germany      D.the USA

(   )23.— The lights in our classroom        last night.

— Sorry, Mr Yang. I didn’t remember to turn them off.

A.were on         B.closed        C.opened        D.were open

(   )24.— Where was Jenny last night? w    W  w .x  K  b 1.c  o M

— She went to the theater with her sister,        they met friends in KFC.

A.then           B.so             C.but           D.because

(   )25.We went to Hong Kong Disneyland, and       ? I met Kimi and Cindy .

A.really         B.guess what      C.what about you   D.yes



I’d like to tell you something happened. Yesterday evening, when I went to town   26      my mother, we met a strange old man.

There wad a   27   rain and we had no umbrella. We were trying to   28   a taxi       when he camp up to us. He was carrying a nice umbrella and he said that he would give           29   to us for only a pound. He lost his wallet; he said he needed a taxi to go back           home.my mother didn’t believe what he said  30   ,and asked him a lot of questions. But       she finally believed the man and gave him a pound. She was happy to  31  a good umbrella     for so little money. But the old man didn’t get into a taxi. We walked  32   him and found      he went into a pub(酒吧) and bought himself a glass of whisky(威士忌)with the pound.         33   he drank it, he took  34    of the many umbrellas there and went out.

Soon after that, he  35   it again.

(   )26.A.in             B.near           C.with         D.by

(   )27.A.heavy          B.fat            C.hardly        D.long

(   )28.A.get out of       B.get into        C.get up        D.get over

(   )29.A.them           B.it             C.her          D.him

(   )30.A.at last          B.at first         C.at the moment  D.finally

(   )31.A.have           B.buy           C.see           D.make

(   )32.A.with           B.for            C.before        D.after

(   )33.A.During         B.When          C.Before       D.After

(   )34.A.one            B.two            C.three        D.four

(   )35.A.lost            B.bought         C.sold         D.found


