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尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,由精品学习网为您提供的初一英语下册期末测试题2014 ,希望给您带来启发!

I. 词汇。(本题分A、B、C三部分,20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

A) 根据句意和所给中文或首字母写出句中所缺的单词。

1. They ______  (筹集) 1,200yuan for charity yesterday.

2..He said he wanted to do more speaking to ________(提高) his English.

3.How long has your sister been c____ kites?

4.S____ is bad for your heath. You should give it up.

5.How much does the sweater c____?


6. She makes a  ______________ (decide) to study hard from now.

7. In English, I’m _____________ (good) at reading than listening.

8.Next Sunday Jim’s going to fish with his friend if it______ (  not rain  )

9.We are________( suppose ) to go to school on time.

10.The girl got a snow globe on her ____(nine) birthday.

11.Look at the____(scarf). They are all beautiful.

12.We welcome all kinds of _____ (suggest).

13.It’s not easy___(learn) English well in one or two years.

14.The boy had a hard time ___(walk) by himself after the accident.

15.It’s often___(crowd) in the supermarket and people move very slowly at weekends.


end up,  go on,  such as,  wake up,  rather than

16. Jenny likes to eat lots of fruits, _________ bananas and oranges.

17. I want to be a teacher _________ a scientist in the future.

18. The two runners took different routes, but they both_______ in the same place.

19. When I_______ this morning, it was already nine o’ clock.

20. We are_________ a school trip next Sunday.


(  ) 21. Don't ______the street when the traffic light is red.

A. pass       B. cross      C. crossing        D. across

(    ) 22. Harry Porter ⅲis a very _____movie. All the children are _____in it.

A. interested, interesting         B. interesting, interested

C. interesting, interesting         D. interested, interested

(    ) 23. My friend Jim______ a pet dog at home.

A. looks      B. works         C. leaves          D. keeps

(    ) 24. A UFO, you can imagine __________!

A. what strange it is              B. how strange it is

C. what strange is it              D. how strange is it

(    ) 25. Linda has the same haircut _____Lily does.

A. with       B. and    C. for      D. as

(    ) 26. What do you want to _____when you grow up?

A. do        B. are             C. is              D. be

(    ) 27. I don't want to _____with you about it. Let's forget it.

A. tell        B. say            C. argue          D. call

(    ) 28. The more exercise you take, the _____you will be.

A. weaker    B. healthier       C. luckier         D. worse

(   )29.-______ does the first class begin?  -At 7:40.

A. How long   B. Where           C. When            D. How

(    )30. Mr. Smith _______ here for about two hours.

A. has left               B. left from

C. went away from        D. has been away from

(    ) 31.— May I help you? You have lots of things to carry.

— Would you mind ______ for me?

A. carrying these books    B. carry these books

C. to carry these books   D. will carry these books

(    )32. — Will you come to the net bars(网吧)with me?

— Sorry.My mother always tells me ____ there.

A.not go   B.go   C.not to go   D.to go

(    ) 33.— Do you mind if I sit here?

— ______. It's for Mr. Brown.

A. Not at all  B. Never mind C. Better not D. Of course not

(    )34.What should I get my mom _______ her birthday?

A. for           B. on        C. at            D. in

(    )35. Why don't you ________ a camera? That’s too cheap.

A. got            B. get      C. gets          D. getting

(    )36. What’s the best gift John ________ ever received?

A. have          B. has       C. had          D. having

(    )37.1. Linda ______ the space museum after school yesterday.

A. has been to    B. was going to    C. went to     D.has gone to

(    )38.Have you ________ heard of Disneyland?

A. always      B. ever        C. never      D.already

(    )39..—I’m sure Lucy will win the first prize in the final.

--I think so. She____ for it for months.

A.is preparing   B.was preparing    C.prepared     D.has been preparing

(    )40.—How long have you been there?        --______.

A.Once      B.For two years ago   C.Since two years  D.Since two years ago

只要这样踏踏实实完成每天的计划和小目标,就可以自如地应对新学习,达到长远目标。由精品学习网为您提供的初一英语下册期末测试题2014 ,祝您学习愉快!


