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6. W: Hello, Bob! Is Mike your friend?

M: Yes, he is.

7. W: Excuse me. Are you Alan?

M: No, I’m Alan’s brother, Dave.

8. M: Jenny, is this your pen?

W: No, it isn’t. It’s Helen’s.

9. M: Excuse me, Mary. Is Susan your daughter?

W: Yes, she is.

10. W: Hey, Dale! Is this your red quilt?

M: No, my quilt is orange. It’s my brother’s.

答案: 6~10. ABCAB

Ⅱ. 单项选择(10分)

1. This is my mother, and I’m her   .

A. teacher        B. daughter

C. parents        D. mother

【解析】选B。考查名词的用法。A项意为“老师”; B项意为“女儿”; C项意为“父母”; D项意为“妈妈”。句意: 这是我妈妈, 我是她的女儿。

2. This is a photo   my family.

A. of    B. from   C. at    D. for


3. (2013•大连中考)—   is the boy with a pair of glasses?

—My brother, John.

A. How   B. Who   C. Where   D. What

【解析】选B。考查疑问词的用法。由句意知, 此处询问“谁”, 故选B。

4. —   ?

—No, he isn’t.

A. Is she your daughter

B. What’s this

C. Who’s this

D. Is the man in white your uncle

【解析】选D。考查句式。由答语可知题目应为一般疑问句, 排除B、C两项; 再由答语中的he可知选D项。


