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Come   66   meet the family. This is a picture   67   my family. The man    68   my father. He is   69   policeman. The woman is   70   mother, She is   71   En glish teacher. They   72    a son and a daughter. The son is me.   73   name is Lin Tao. I’m eleven. I’m a student. I’m   74   school. The girl in a hat is my   75   . Her name is Lin Ying. She’s eleven, too. We’re twins. We   76   the same. We’re   77   the same class. I look   78   her. We

79   good students. We like   80   family.

66.________  67.________  68.________  69.________  70.________

71.________  72.________  73.________  74.________  75.________

76.________  77.________  78.________  79.________  80.________

(    )81.This is a picture of Lin Ying’s family.

(    )82.Lin Tao and Lin Ying are twins.

(    )83.Lin Tao’s father is a policeman.

(    )84.Lin Ying’s mother is a Chinese teacher.

(    )85.Lin Tao and Lin Ying are in different classes.



Look at this. What’s this in English, do you know? Ah, it’s a ph oto. Who’s that in the photo? It’s Li Yan. Li Yan is my good friend. She is a beautiful girl. Who’s that? The boy in black? It’s Jim. He is an English boy. He is very cool. He is my friend, too. We are all in the same school. I like Jim and Li Yan.


(    )86.What is t his? It’s ________.

A.a school     B.a friend       C.a photo       D.an English friend

(     )87.Li Yan is ________.

A.a good boy                   B.a cool boy

C.a beautiful girl                D.an English girl

(     )88.What color is Jim in? ________.

A.Red        B.Yellow       C.Orange       D.Black

(    )89.Who’s English? ________.

A.I          B.Jim           C.Li Yan       D.Jim and Li Yan

(    )90.Who are in the same school? ________.

A.Jim and Li Yan                B.Jim and I

C.Li Yan and I                  D.Jim, Li Yah and I


