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初一上册单元检测卷:This is my sister




41.Excuse me! ________ this your eraser?

42.What ________ those? ________ they birds?

43.This ________ his ruler. Where ________ my ruler?

44.I ________ in Class Three. ________ you in Class Three,too?

45.________ these her English books?

46.Those ________ their apples. Where ________ his apples?

47.She ________ eleven. How old ________ that boy?

48.He ________ my friend. ________ your friend a boy or a girl?

49.________ those maps? No,they ________ not. They ________ pictures.

50.These ________ your bananas. Here you ________.


5l.his, here, is, photo, family, (.)

52.your, the, for, of, thanks,  photo, family, (.)

53.your, is, brother, Paul, (?)

54.are, not, these, grandparents, his, (.)

55.she, aunt, his, is, (?)



My name is Wan g Li. My English teacher   56   Linda. She is from the USA.   57   has a son and a daughter.   58   is Ben.   59   is Maria. Her husband is   60   . Mr Black is

61   , too. He and his son are   62   New York now. Mrs Black and Maria are in China.

63   are classmates, and we are   64   . I teach her Chinese and   65   teaches me English.

(    )56.A.be B.is C.am D.are

(    )57.A.S he B.Her C.He D.His

(    )58.A.His son B.His daughter C.Her son  D.Her daughter

(    )59.A.His son B.His daughter C.Her so n D.Her daughter

(    )60.A.Black Paul B.Paul Black C.Black Anna  D.Anna Black

(    )61.A.a student  B.an English student

C.a Chinese teacher D.an English teacher

(    )62.A.at B.from C.in D.on

(    )63.A.Ben and I B.I and Ben C.Maria and I D.I and Maria

(    )64.A.good friend B.a good friend C.good friends D.friend

(    )65.A.he B.she C.they D.her


