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初一上册英语第三单元课堂测试卷:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?





Unit 3 测试卷(100分)


1. 我的铅笔                    2. 一把尺子                  3. 她的橡皮

4. 一个红色的铅笔盒            5. 那本词典                  6. 一串钥匙

7. 打搅一下                     8.谢谢你

9. 电子游戏                      10. 在失物招领箱里


(    )1. The blue pen is his. _________ this dictionary?

A. What        B. How        C. What about

(    )2.—________? 一It’s a pencil sharpener.

A. Is it a pencil sharpener       B. What’s this        C. This is a pencil shar pener

(    )3. _____________. Are you Mr Green?

A. Thank you.   B. Excuse me.  C. Goodbye.

(    )4. ---Is this________ ruler?  ----Yes, _______ is________.

A, his, it, me   B. your, it, mine   C. your, it, my

(    )5.---How do you spell case?  ---_______________________.

A . It’s a case.  B. No, it’s not a case..  C. C-A-S-E.

(    ) 6.—Your watch is very nice.   —________.

A. No, it isn't      B. Yes    C. Thank you

(    )7.—Is this          book? —Yes, it’s         English book.

A. a; a       B. a; an        C. art; an

(    )8.—Is t hat your pencil?  —______. That is her pencil.

A. Y es, it is    B. No, it is    C. No, it isn't

(    )9.—Is this ________ ruler? —Yes, it’s her ruler.

A. your    B. your sister’s   C. your brother’s

(    )10. Please call Jenny _____ 536-4428.    A.in  B. to  C. at


