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初一英语上册第四单元综合测试题:Module 4





16.Cola isn't ______healthy drink.

A.any       B.some    C.an      D.a

17.Don't eat candy ______ice cream.

A.and      B.so     C.or      D.but

18.There are ______ in the fridge.

A.two bag of milk      B.two bags of milk

C.two bags of milks      D.two bag of milks

19.Tony's father's favourite drink is ______.

A.hamburger    B.candy   C.banana     D.tea

20.There ______ some juice in the glass.

A.is      B.are    C.am      D.has

21.My grandpa is very old,but he is______ good health.

A.at      B.in    C.of      D.on

22.Sorry,there isn't any ______.

A.eggs     B.food    C.melons     D.carrots

23.—How do you like songs by Jay Chou?

—They are wonderful,______ I can't hear his  words clearly sometimes.

A.but      B.so    C.because     D.if

24.Jim is a ______ boy.He does exercise every day.

A.health     B.healthy   C.healthily    D.unhealthy

25.—I'm thirsty.Could I have ______ hot water?

—OK.Here you are.

A.any     B.some    C.little     D.no


Mrs Jones:Which meal do we need most,breakfast,lunch or __26__?


Mrs Jones:Dinner is the biggest meal of the day.But I don't __27__ we need it most.

Tony:Is lunch the meal we need most?

Mrs Jones:No,__28__ is the meal we need most.But why?

Kate:It is a long time from night to morning.We have no __29__.

Mrs Jones:Right!If we don't have breakfast,we don't feel __30__.But what makes a good breakfast?

James:I think we can __31__ milk,bread,noodles or porridge.__32__ are good for breakfast.

Mrs Jones:That's right.We can eat some vegetables and fruit __33__ the morning,too.They make us healthy.

David:I __34__ cola a lot.Can I have it in the morning?

Mrs Jones:You'd better not.Water is good for you.

Danny:Mum says we can not eat too much things after __35__.

Mrs Jones:Great,Danny.It may make you sick.After sports you need water and a rest first,not lots of food.

26.A.fruits     B.food      C.dinner

27.A.like     B.know     C.think

28.A.breakfast    B.lunch     C.dinner

29.A.water    B.food     C.vegetables

30.A.good     B.great     C.well

31.A.take     B.make     C.have

32.A.You     B.They     C.We

33.A.for     B.in      C.on

34.A.eat     B.bring     C.like

35.A.school    B.lunch     C.sports


