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Mason’s Clothing Store

Clothes(衣服 ) Color(颜色) Price(价格)

socks white, blue $4

pants black $11

sweater red, white $8

T-shirt red, green, black $7

hat black, red $6

51. —Which is the cheapest(最便宜的)of all?  —_______

A. Hat.          B. T-shirt.        C. Pants.         D. Socks.

52. —How much are two sweaters and a hat?  —_______

A. $14.          B. $20.          C. $21.          D. $22.

53. You can buy(买到)_______.

A. black pants    B. a blue sweater   C. a green hat     D. red socks

54. You like red and you only have $6. You can take_______.

A. a sweater     B. a hat           C. a T-shirt       D. none(全无)

55. You only have sixteen dollars. You can buy_______.

A. a sweater and a pair of pants(裤子)B. two T-shirts and a pair of socks

C. a sweater and t wo pairs of socks  D. a sweater and two ha ts


This is a picture of Mr Wang’s family. The man in t he middle is Mr Wang, the father. The woman is the mother. They have two daughters. One is Wang Fan g, she is twelve, the other is Wang Li. She is thirteen. Wang Fang and Wang Li are in the same (相同的) school, but not in the same grade. Wang Fang is in Grade One. Wang Li is in Grade Two. They are good students.

56. Mr and Mrs Wang have _______.

A. one boy and a girl  B. two boys  C. two girls  D. a girl

57. Wang Li is  _______ sister.

A. Mr Wang’s   B.Mrs Wang’s  C. Wang Fang’s D. Mr and Mrs Wang’s

58. Wang Fang is ________ and Wang Li is ______.

A. Twelve, eleven  B. twelve, thirteen C. thirteen, twelve D. thirteen, thirteen

59. Wang Li is ________.

A. Grade One   B. Grade Two  C. in Grade Two D. in Grade One

60. How many people are there in Wang Fang’s family?

A. one    B. three   C. four   D. five


Hi, I am Andy. I am in Class 3, Grade 7. Welcome to our classroom. Isn’t it big and clean?

We all have lockers in the classroom. The red lockers are girls’. And boys’ lockers are yellow. Do you like the colours? I have a locker, too. This one is mine. I put many things in it. There are some comic books, a football, and a pair of shoes in it. Jacky’s locker is beside mine. There are socks and some stickers in it. That one is Tom’s. There are many CDs and books in it. His glasses are in the locker, too.

What is in Mary’s locker? There is a yellow bag in it. What’s in the bag? We don’t know. I guess (猜) there are lots of snacks (零食) in it.

61. Andy’s locker is          .

A. red     B. yellow   C. white   D. black

62. There are some stickers in            locker.

A. Jacky’s    B. Andy’s  C. Tom’s   D. Millie’s

63. Tom has many books and         in his locker.

A. a bag    B. a pair of shoes C. CDs   D. trousers

64. Andy is in            .

A. Class 3    B. Class 1  C. Class 7  D. Class 8

65. What is in Mary’s locker?

A. A ball.   B. Some comic books.  C. A yellow bag. D. A pencil-box.


Look, this is my classroom. It’s big and bright(明亮的). In the front, there is a big teacher’s desk. On the teacher’s desk, there is a box of chalk. In the teacher’s desk, there is a computer. There are thirty-one desks and thirty chairs in it. Behind each chair, there is a bag. There are four big and clean windows in the walls of our classroom. And on the front wall there is a red flag(旗帜). There is a big TV on the front wall, too. Our classroom is on the first floor in the teaching building. On this floor there are three classrooms and two teachers’ offices. And on the second floor, there are three classrooms and two teachers’ offices, too. On the ground floor, there is a reading room, a library and two classrooms.

66. There are        students in our class.

A. thirty   B. thirty-one  C. sixty-one   D. no

67. There are        classrooms in our school.

A. three   B. two   C. eight    D. four

68. There are        floors in the teaching building.

A. three   B. two   C. eight    D. four

69. There are        teachers’ offices on the ground floor.

A. one   B. two   C. three    D. no

70. Where is the computer in our classroom?

A. On the teacher’s desk    B. In the teacher’s desk

C. On the front wall     D. In the front wall


