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Lost: My new bike. It‘s red. My name is Jimmy. Please call 678-2190 Found: Is this your ring? Please call Betty. Phone: 820-2411

Lost: My baseball. My name is Bruce. Please call 705-2091 Found: Is this your watch? Please call David. Phone: 555-0874.

(   ) 36. Who lost (丢失) a bike?    A. Betty      B. Jimmy   C. David

(   ) 37. Is the ring Betty’s ?  A. Yes, it is  B. No, it isn’t  C. No, it’s Bruce’s

(   ) 38. What color is the bike?   A. Red     B. Green  C. I don’t know

(   ) 39. Who can you call for the baseball?  A. Bruce     B. David     C. Betty

(   ) 40. What’s David’s phone number?  A. 678-2190   B. 820-2411   C. 555-0874


This is a picture of Mr. Li’s family. The man in the middle is Mr. Li. The woman is Mrs. Li’s wife. They have two sons. The child behind Mr. Li is Li Lei. He’s thirteen. The boy in front of Mrs. Li is Li Ming. He is seven. Li Lei and Li Ming are in the same school, but not in the same grade. Li Lei is in Grade Two. Li Ming is in Grade One. They are good students.

(   )41. There are _________ people in the picture. A. three   B. four  C. five   D. six

(   )42. Mr. Li is Li Lei’s ___________.  A. uncle   B. mother C. father D. son

(   )43. Mr. and Mrs. Li have _________.

A. one boy, one girl  B. two sons   C. two girls    D. one boy

(   )44. Li Ming is ________ brother.

A. Mr. Li’s    B. Mrs. Li’s     C. Li Lei’s       D. we don’t know.

(   )45. How old is Li Ming? He is  ______.  A. seven   B. twelve   C. ten    D. thirteen


