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四. 完形填空 (共10小题,计10分)


Hey, friends! I’m Alice. I’m an English    31   , but I’m in China now. My    32    is Xu Ruike. Here are two    33    of my family. My father Xu Yajun and I are in the    34    photo. Xu Yajun is my    35    Chinese name.    36    English name is Mike. In the next photo, you can    37    three people. They are my mother and my    38    sisters. Their names are Dee, Elly    39    Lily. Dee is my mother. Elly and Lily    40    my sisters. They are nice.

(   )31. A. name   B. school     C. girl   D. book

(   )32. A. first name    B. last name     C. family name D. Chinese name

(   )33. A. photos       B. Numbers     C. dogs   D. friends

(   )34. A. first   B. last          C. next   D. one

(   )35. A. mother’s     B. father’s      C. sister’s     D. brother’s

(   )36. A. Her   B. Your         C. His   D. My

(   )37. A . say   B. Have        C. meet   D. see

(   )38. A. one   B. Two         C. three     D. four

(   )39. A. too    B. and         C. well   D. but

(   )40. A. is   B. am         C. are         D. be



Look! I’m Tom. This is a pencil case(铅笔盒). It’s orange. It’s my pencil case.  What’s in the pencil case? A ruler is in the pencil case. It is  my ruler. The ruler is blue and red. That is a pencil. It is black and white. It is not my pencil.

Look! That girl is Lucy. It is her pencil. That boy is Tim. I found(找到) his green pen in the pencil case. Tim’s telephone number is 7890003.

(   ) 41. What color is the pencil case?

A. It’s orange.        B. It’s blue and red.        C. It’s green.

(   ) 42. I am Tom. That is not my_________.

A. pencil              B. pencil case            C. ruler

(   ) 43. ________ has (有) a pencil.

A. Tom               B. Lucy                 C. Tim

(   ) 44. ________ found the pen in the lost and found case.

A. Tom               B. Lucy                 C. Tim

(   ) 45. I am Tom. Is my telephone number 7890003?

A. Yes.                B. No.                  C. OK.


Hi, I’m Jack Brown. This is a photo of my family. Who are they? Please guess! My mother’s name is Lily Brown and my father’s name is Danny Brown. My cousin Peter Brown is a baby (婴儿). Peter’s parents are not my mother’s sister or brother. My cousin Mary is in the photo. She is a nice girl. Her mother’s parents are my mother’s parents, too. My sister Linda is in the middle of the photo. Who am I? I’m the boy in a blue jacket. I’m in the middle of my parents.

(   ) 46. 划线单词guess的意思是“________”。

A. 想一想     B. 说一说

C. 猜一猜      D. 看一看

(   ) 47. Peter’s father is Jack’s ________.

A. father      B. grandfather

C. brother     D. uncle

(   ) 48. Mary’s mother is Jack’s mother’s ________.

A. daughter     B. sister

C. cousin      D. mother

(   ) 49. Jack Brown is in a ________ jacket in the photo.

A. blue   B. green

C. black     D. yellow

(   ) 50. Who is Lind a in the photo?

A. A.   B. B.

C. C.       D. D.

六.情景反应。从Ⅱ栏中找出与Ⅰ栏中对应的选项。 (10分)

I                                                  Ⅱ

(   )  51. Hi, James.                               A. Good evening.

(   )  52. Good afternoon, boys and girls.        B. Thank you.

(   )  53. How are you, Tom?                           C. It's a clock.

(   )  54. Sit down, please.                               D. C-A-P.

(   )  55. What’s this in Chinese?                   E. Hello, Tom.

(   )  56. Spell it ,please.                                F. I'm fine, thank you. And you?

(   )  57. Goodbye, Mike.                                G. Good afternoon, sir.

(   )  58.What color is it ?                               H. “苹果”.

(   )  59. Good evening !                            I. Goodbye, Amy.

(   )  60. What's this?                                   J.  Red.


