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四、词汇。(根据所给汉语写出单词) (15分)

1. My brother is in the ______ (第一) photo.

2. These two __ _____ (女孩) are Cindy and Gina.

3. Are those your _______ (字典)?

4. I think the map is in my _________ (祖父母的) room.

5. I have a ______ (时钟). It’s on the desk.

6. The white ______ (模型) plane is Kate’s.

7. We play soccer at school with our ______ (朋友).

9. Whos e _______ (收音机) are these?

10. Harry Potter is an _______ (有趣的) book.

11. Is this _______ (戒指) your mother’s?

12. ______ (带) the boy to school.

13. I have many ______ (手表).

14. How do you ______ (拼写) it?

15. He and his cousin are _______ (同班同学).


1. They don’t like vegetables. (用she改写)

She _____ _____ vegetables.

2. Tony and Linda watch TV every day. (一般疑问句,并作出肯定回答)

______ Tony and Linda ______ TV every day?  ______, ______ ______.

3. This is a photo of my family.(复数形式)

______ ______ ______ of my family.

4. His phone number is 555-8039. (对划线部分提问)

______ his ______ _______ ?

5. He plays basketball after school. (一般疑问句)

______ he ______ basketball after school?

6. My computer game is in the school library. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ ______  computer game?

7. He’s Allan. (同义句)  _______ ______ is Allan.

8.This is his English book.. (复数句)

_______ _______ his English ________.

9.This is my pencil. (同义句)

______ pencil _______ _______.

10.It is a fine card. (对划线部分提问)

______ is _______?

11.have, she, does, a ,ball, tennis (连词组句)

_______ she ______ _ _____ tennis _____?

12.The pencil boxes are in the bag. (一般疑问句,并否定回答)

_______ the pencil boxes in the bag? _______, _______ _______.

13.Alice is fine. (对划线部分提问)

_______ ______ Alice?

14.They are my brothers. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ they?


