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五.单词分类。请把属于同类的单词选出来写到相应的横线上。注意要写单词序号!(10分 )

1. --What’s your favourite sport? --I like   _____  /  ____  .

2. --What’s your hobby(爱好)? --I like   ____ / _____   .

3. --What’s the weather like in Nanning now?--It’s   ____  /  ____  .

4. --Can David speak   ______  /  ____  ? --Yes, he can.

5. --How old are you?--I’m   _____ / ____  years old.

六.情景交际。从方框中选出正确的句子,完成对话, 并写在横线上。(5分 )

A: Betty, please look at the photo.  1__

B: No, she is my friend.

A:  2_

B: Susan Brown. She likes music.  3___

A: Who’s the man? Is he her father?

B: Yes.  4 __ He can speak English.

A: Is the woman her mother?

B: Yes, she is.

A:  5 __

B: She is a hotel manager.     1._______  2._______  3._______  4.______  5._______

七. 补全对话( 5分 )

A: Hi, Ann! Good morning.

B: Hi, Tom 1.___________ morning.

A: 2._____________ are you?

B: I am 3._____________ Thanks. And you ?

A: I’m fine, too. Thank you.

B: How 4.______________ are you? Are you twelve?

A: No, I’m 5._____________. I’m thirteen.

B: Nice to see you again.

A: Nice to see you too. Goodbye.

B: Bye.

八. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)

1 . Where       _______    ( be ) he from?

2. How many ____________________(chair) are there in your classroom?.

3. I like        ____   _____  ( swim ) .

4. What          ___   ( be ) these?—They are books.

5. Tony is from            ________   ( American).


