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一. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)

(   )  1. — Is the Reading Club      big club?

— Yes. Many of my classmates are in      club.

A. a; a       B. a; the

C. the; the       D. the; a

(   )  2. 请把下列四个单词按其在英汉词典中出现的顺序重新排列:

① tall    ② love

③ student      ④ school

A. ③④①②    B. ④③①②

C. ②④③①    D. ②③④①

(   )  3. I live      my parents      Shanghai now.

A. with; in   B. in; with

C. in; in   D. with; with

(   )  4. — What’s your cousin’s     , Andy?

— Dancing. She likes it very much.

A. age       B. grade

C. class        D. hobby

(   )  5. — Your dog looks so     , Andy.

— Is he? Thank you.

A. old        B. bad

C. cute       D. small

(   )  6. Luo Zhixiang is a      singer, and he dances     , too.

A. good; good  B. well; well

C. good; well  D. well; good

(   )  7. Now let’s      our new classmates.

A. meet       B. meets

C. meeting      D. to meet

(   )  8. Our teacher Miss Li has long hair, and she     .

A. wear glasses      B. wears glasses

C. wear glass       D. wears glass

(   )  9. — Do the children      much time for reading?

— Yes. And everyone      a library card.

A. has; has      B. have; has

C. has; have     D. have; have

(   )10. My parents and I like football. We enjoy      football games.

A. talking with   B. talking about

C. talking to     D. talking in

(   )11. —      your classmates nice?

— Yes,     .

A. Do; they do     B. Does; they does

C. Are; they are     D. Is; they is

(   )12.      Zhang Yining play well in the national team (国家队)?

A. Does  B. Do

C. Are   D. Is

(   )13. —      your sister look?

— She is slim and short.

A. How does     B. How is

C. What does     D. What is

