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Good morning everyone. It is my great honor to be here to present my lesson.

Today I’ll talk about Unit 2 Is your food and drink healthy? from Junior English

Book 1. My contents consist of 7 parts:

Part1. Analysis of the students

part2. Analysis of the teaching materials

part3. Teaching objectives

part4. Teaching model

part5. Teaching aids

part6. Teaching procedure

part7. Optional activity and homework

Part 1 Analysis of the students

These students who have come into middle school     recently. They are exposed to English for the first time ,so it is very important to develop their keen interest in  English . It is necessary to use assistant teaching      methods to arouse their attention。

Part 2 Analysis of the teaching materials

The topic of this module is Healthy food, this unit is talk about the students' favorite food and healthy food . I will make good use of this topic to carry out various educational activities, then help the students improve their understanding of healthy food and cultivate the healthy eating habits.

Part 3 Teaching objectives

Next I’ll talk about teaching objectives.

1. Linguistic objectives

By the end of the class ,the students will be able to: (1) Use key vocabulary and key phrases from the text to describe what are healthy food;(2)Use conjunctions but link sentences and clarify its meaning.

2. Strategic objectives

By the end of this class, the students will be able to develop the top-down reading skills and learn to find out difficult points themselves.

3. Emotional objectives

By the end of this class, the students will be able to capture information about healthy eating and cultivate the consciousness of a healthy diet by reading the passage about healthy food.






