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2023-10-26 00:46:43





Everyone knows how to communicate with words. A smile or a frown also communicates something. Even the way we hold ourselves tells the person we are talking to something about what we are saying. That means that silence can sometimes be louder than words, sometimes more powerful than words.

Silence can mean different things. It can mean that someone doesn¡¯t want to be interrupted. When a person is silent, it is a good idea to wait until he or she speaks. We might irritate someone if we try to get them to speak before they are ready. Sometimes silence is used to express sadness. When a person is sad, we can let him or her know that we understand by sitting quietly and not expecting them to talk. To express a feeling of friendship, sometimes we don¡¯t say anything at all. But silence is never used to express anger. If you are angry, it is better to explain why. Silence is often used instead of words when we are surprised. Something suddenly happens and we can¡¯t say anything.

Each day of our life, we experience different feelings and emotions. Therefore, it is important to use the right words at the right time. Knowing when to keep silent and when to speak is also important. Our words should reflect our true feelings and intentions. Silence can sometimes be more powerful than a million words.

1. What does the author say about silence?

  1. It is irritating.
  2. It is often used instead of words when we are angry.
  3. It can communicate different things.
  4. It is more powerful than a million words.







Seattle is a city in the United States, located in the state of Washington. It is nicknamed the Emerald City, because of the evergreen trees in the surrounding region.

Seattle has a population of over 700,000 people. It is known for its beautiful landscapes and cultural attractions.

The Space Needle is one of Seattle"s most famous landmarks. It was built for the 1962 World"s Fair and stands at a height of 605 feet. Visitors can take a ride to the top of the Space Needle and enjoy a panoramic view of the city.

Pike Place Market is another popular destination in Seattle. It is one of the oldest public farmers" markets in the United States. Visitors can browse through a variety of shops, indulge in fresh seafood, and experience the lively atmosphere.

Seattle is also home to a thriving music scene. The city has produced many famous musicians, including Jimi Hendrix and Nirvana. There are numerous music venues and festivals that attract both local and international artists.

1. What is Seattle famous for?

  1. Its population
  2. Its landscapes
  3. Its cultural attractions
  4. Its music scene



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