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1-5 CACAB6-10 BABCC11-15 AABAB16-20 CCBAB


Text 1

W: I saw your company photograph in the paper, Martin. You’ve got a lot of people.

M: Yes, our art director has just hired four new designers.

Text 2

M: Excuse me, where can I find the manager in this building? I need to speak to him right now.

W: Sorry, I can’t help you. I’m not familiar with this building. My friend lives here.

Text 3

M: Did you have a nice weekend? The weather was lovely.

W: Yes, we did. I went for a walk in the park near our home, and my husband and the children went boating on the lake.

Text 4

M: How can I get to National City Bank?

W: Walk down Elm Street as far as the traffic lights. Turn left onto Poplar Street. Walk to the end onto Oak Street. The bank is on your left.

Text 5

M: Hi, Lisa. Shirley and I are going for a drink after work at the usual place. Would you like to come along?

W: My car is in the repair shop, and I have to pick it up. You go ahead and I’ll meet you there.

Text 6

M: Oh, I’m starving.

W: Me, too. Shall we eat out? There is a new French restaurant down the street.

M: Oh, forget about it! I went there with a friend last week. The menu was all in French, and I just couldn’t read it!

W: That’s what you’re paying for.

M: Maybe. But I should say everything was expensive, and nothing was to my satisfaction.

W: Then how about the Italian restaurant on the next block?

M: Well, I ate out almost every day last week. Let’s just eat in today.

W: But I’m not in the mood to cook.

M: I’ll cook, then. In fact, I’m sick and tired of restaurants. I just want a home-cooked meal.

Text 7

W: Tony, can I ask you a personal question?

M: About what?

W: Well, I was wondering about how you are received here in China.

M: What do you mean?

W: Well, since you are Chinese-Canadian and only speak English and French well, how do native Chinese treat you?

M: Oh, well, sometimes it can get pretty difficult. When people find out that I’m a Canadian citizen who can’t speak Chinese well, they usually call me a banana. You know, yellow on the outside and white on the inside.

W: How does that make you feel?

M: Well, I first feel mad. Then I feel sad, for I’m seen as someone who has forgotten his roots. All this is because my parents left to find a better life, and I decided to return in order to find something I lost. Sometimes I’m not sure if I like what I’ve found.

