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month there’s a meeting when important decisions are made. Families can sell their

homes if they want to leave, but the whole community must vote on new families6

before they are allowed to join. ‘Keeping the community together is hard work’ says

Christi, ‘Everybody has to take responsibility for the day to day running of the

community, but it seems there is no shortage of the families who want to join. There

are 75 on the waiting list.

11. How many families are living in the Paradise Ridge now?

12. What is special of Paradise Ridge?

13. What is the passage mainly about?

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following news.

It’s 3 pm. Time for news from the World of Medicine. Does sitting make you sad?

Australian researchers found that middle-aged women who sat for over 7 hours a day

were 47 percent more likely to show sense of depression than those who sat for 4

hours or fewer. Those who engaged in no physical activity were 26 percent more

likely to have symptoms of depression 3 years later than those who exercise regularly.

Sitting for long periods has also been linked to heart disease.

How can you detect a liar through a texted message? Watch for a delayed

response. When college students were asked to tell a lie during an interview with a

computer, they took 10 percent longer on average to send a message and they did

more editing than usual.

Can marriage beat cancer? Married people were 20 percent less likely to die

from the disease than those who were unmarried, according to a Harvard study of

more than 730,000 people. They were also more likely to get the disease detected at

an earlier stage and receive proper treatment. A husband or wife can urge you to seek

medical help and support you during tough chemical therapy, radiation and other


14. Who would most to suffer from depression according to Australian researchers?7

15. How did students behave when they told a lie during the interview with a


16 What is the third piece of news mainly about?

Section C

Directions: In section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations

will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the

numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your

answer sheet.

Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

W: Excuse me. I am Linda Li from the airport research division. May I ask you a few

questions about the environment and the facilities there? M: OK.

W: Are you on a business trip?

M: Yes, I am heading off for a conference in London.

W: What do you like most about the airport environment?

M: Well, I really appreciate the daylight. W: Daylight?

M: Yes, the windows here make it seems if you are outside. Another thing I like is the

moving walkways. You don’t have to walk for miles to the boarding gate.

W: I see. Anything you don’t like?

M: The shops are often overcrowded. There is no enough space to move around

comfortably, and also I suppose the trollies are too small. W: Well, thanks for your


